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    You're Ready to Start a Family! Now What?

    Deciding you’re ready to start a family is a big decision for any couple. So once you’ve decided – what are the next steps for both moms and dads-to-be? And what should you know if you’re struggling to conceive? Dr. Myron Bethel, OB/GYN with Renown Women’s Health, offers key insights about fertility. What’s the first thing couples should do when they decide to start a family? For the mom-to-be, it’s important to meet with your obstetrician before you get pregnant. This appointment gives you an opportunity to discuss your family medical history, any past or current health problems, immunization history, medications you’re taking and any issues with previous pregnancies. Your doctor can also provide helpful tips to ensure your body is ready for a healthy pregnancy and help guide you on how to monitor your period, basal resting body temperature and other important factors to help you get pregnant more quickly. How can couples who are trying to get pregnant make sure they’re healthy to conceive? Of course it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle all the time, but it’s especially important if you’re trying to get pregnant. There’s no magic pill or single food, but women should start focusing on nutrients they’ll need during pregnancy. Before trying to conceive, start taking folate and folic acid to help prevent birth defects. You can get good sources of these nutrients from cereal, spinach, beans, asparagus, oranges and peanuts. Lifestyle changes can also help improve fertility. For both men and women, extra weight can reduce fertility. Both sexes can increase their chances of conception by not smoking, not drinking alcohol and exercising regularly. And for men specifically, take a daily vitamin containing zinc and selenium to support healthy sperm. What is the average timeline for conception, and what do you suggest for couples who may be struggling to conceive and start a family? First, remember getting pregnant can take longer than you expect. Do not to get stressed out about it or place blame. Seventy percent of couples conceive within six months and 85 percent within one year of trying to get pregnant. To help improve your chances of pregnancy, monitor your ovulation closely. You can do this by tracking your period, watching your body closely and logging symptoms, logging your basal body temperature or using ovulation kits. If you still aren’t sure when you’re ovulating, try to have sex every other day to improve your chances of conception. If you’ve been trying for nine months to a year, you can talk to your OB about options and discuss meeting with a fertility specialist.

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    Two Dads and a Newborn Adoption: "Our Experience Was Wonderful"

    Watch as two dads look back on their newborn adoption process. They reminisce about discovering their newborn was on his way — and how Renown Health subsequently helped them navigate the process.  During Memorial Day weekend, Chris Mulhern and his husband, Jeffrey Bodimer, learned a set of birth parents chose them to parent their unborn baby boy. After writing a letter to the birth parents, they were chosen over other applicants in a private adoption. The adoption agency took care of many details, like connecting Mulhern and Bodimer to the birth mother and dad. In fact, they could participate in nearly all the phases of the pregnancy. The mother's prenatal care and delivery took place at Renown Health, where Mulhern and Bodimer attended her appointments and took childbirth classes. "Our experience was wonderful at Renown," says Mulhern. "We thought it was absolutely incredible how nice and accepting everyone was." The Nuances of Newborn Adoption Their son, Bradley, was born via cesarean section. And the adoptive parents got to see him an hour after he came into the world. The labor and delivery nurses even helped coordinate everything between them and the birth mom. Mulhern and Bodimer stayed in a room at The Inn at Renown. The closeness of the facility on the Renown campus made it possible to feed Bradley every two hours. Incredible Nurses "They were great, the nursing staff. If we weren't sure about doing something right, about burping him right they would say 'It's okay. He's not going to blow up. He will eventually do it'," says Mulhern. The nurses also made arrangements for the two dads to participate in skin-to-skin contact with their newborn baby. Experts agree parents and babies should be in direct contact for at least the first 1–2 hours after the birth. Taking Baby Home Chris and Jeffery took Bradley home after three days at Renown. “It was the most joyful thing to be chosen as his parents, even before we met him,” says Chris.

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    • Women's Health
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    What is a High-Risk Pregnancy?

    You can still have a healthy pregnancy and baby if your pregnancy is high-risk. Learn what steps you can take to give your baby the best start possible. A “high-risk” pregnancy is one that threatens the health or life of the mother or her fetus. Women with high-risk pregnancies should receive care health care specialists to ensure the best possible outcomes. Some examples of a high-risk pregnancy include: Maternal age, women 35 and higher or 17 and younger Lifestyle choices, including smoking, drinking alcohol and illegal controlled substances Existing medical history, chronic hypertension, diabetes and breathing issues Multiple gestation, pregnancy with twins or triplets Overweight and underweight  Remember: You can still have a healthy pregnancy and baby if your pregnancy is high-risk. Some ways to promote a healthy pregnancy: Schedule an appointment with your OBGYN Eat a balanced diet Avoid substances Prenatal care Healthy weight gain Reduce stress Exercise  Pregnancy & Childbirth at Renown | 775-982-KIDS (5437) When you are expecting a new baby, you can depend on Renown Children’s Hospital for all your mom and baby healthcare needs. We can help you find the right doctor and tell you what to expect during your stay. We offer childbirth education classes and tours to help you prepare. Be sure to check out our virtual tours of our Labor Assessment Area.

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    • Women's Health
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    Why Didn't You Tell Me? 10 Pregnancy Surprises, Revealed

    We asked, you answered: Moms and dads who have been there, done that offer up 10 pregnancy surprises. These are the things they wish they knew before, during and after their pregnancy. Check out these real examples of insights that would have proved helpful and enlightening to these parents and parents-to-be. When you’re pregnant or considering becoming pregnant, it seems the unsolicited advice runs rampant. You’ll hear people tell you what kind of Boppy Pillow to buy. You’ll have people tell you that you should “definitely” have a natural birth or a pool birth or a doula or a therapy dog present. And you’ll definitely hear about what kinds of foods to induce labor, what kind of tea to drink to reduce nausea during your pregnancy and what kind of underwear for less “chafing.” But something you might not hear as often: Some of the symptoms and side effects, both before and after giving birth, that were totally unexpected. These are the ultimate pregnancy surprises. So we asked the question of moms and dads who have been there, done that: What do you wish you had known would happen during your pregnancy — you know, during the time you were supposed to be all sweet and beautiful and glowing? Here is Part 1, featuring 10 real-life, crowdsourced pregnancy surprises from parents. And yes, there are multiple parts to this post, because people are passionate about sharing their wisdom! We’ll publish the second part later this month. Pregnancy surprises: What do you wish you had known about pregnancy? “The only symptom I never heard anyone talk about is extra blood flow making me feel all sorts of weird feelings in my head. I feel like I’m in a dream half the time. I looked it up online when it started happening, and tons of women have the same symptom.” — Anna K. “For me it was an after-birth surprise. I had no clue your tummy doesn’t just spring back to where it was pre-pregnancy. It was a rude awakening in the hospital when I had to have my husband go home and get a pair of maternity sweatpants to get dressed to go home in. I’d hoped to dress in my old cute jeans…. nope!” — Suzanne M. “I didn’t know that while you’re pregnant, friends and strangers would tell you their nightmare delivery stories. Oh — and that complete strangers will, uninvited, touch your baby bump. I didn’t know that you’re in the safety zone while pregnant and that men and women openly adore you. I didn’t know that besides the mother, the nurses do most of the work. I didn’t know that even though they’ve obviously seen hundreds of deliveries, nurses and doctors cry too once your baby is out. I didn’t know even though I thought they must be crazy to send a tiny human home with me, that you instinctively know how to parent. I didn’t know what it meant to love something more than myself and how that changes everything.” — Cathy B. “I had no idea the weird things that it does to hair. My bangs stuck straight out for months, and I just had to go with it. There wasn’t enough product that would make them lie down.” — Heidi P. “That you may not go home with your child if there are any complications. That was a sad day. But 22 years later, we are blessed, because everything turned out fine.” — Kristine F. “I didn’t know people would opine out loud to you, that you must not have purposely gotten pregnant with Baby #2 or 3, etc., implying you failed basic high school biology and that you should have known better than to have more than one kid.” — Jessica L. “I didn’t know that near the pregnancy’s end, as the hips widen, that those bones could begin to separate. I was sore and achy. And I wish I’d slowed down and rested more in the last few weeks.” — April C. “I had heard about food cravings, but no one told me food aversions were also a thing. I bought a whole load of groceries for the week, and by the time I got home, I suddenly couldn’t even look at the ground turkey (that’s not an exaggeration), let alone cook it and eat it. I didn’t throw up necessarily, but my body told me to avoid most meats and vegetables. I pretty much lived on plain bagels and cereal for half my pregnancy.” — Danielle S. “Morning sickness is SO not just in the morning! All-the-time sickness is what I experienced. And why didn’t anyone warn me about butthole pain during and after birth?” — Stephanie C. “The juiciness. Every possible secretion was in hyper drive.” — Jane F. Giving Birth at Renown At Renown Regional Medical Center we have the skill, expertise and technology — along with a friendly environment — to make your experience a memorable one. Pre-register for childbirth, take virtual tours of our rooms and facilities, and learn more about our labor and delivery offerings at the link below. Explore Our Services

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    If You're a Soon-To-Be-Dad, We've Got Tips for You

    “You’re gonna be a dad!” Whether you’ve been waiting years to hear those words or still think you’re too much of a kid to have a kid, the reality of impending fatherhood can be terrifying for any first-time, soon-to-be-dad. But not to worry, Best Medicine has some timely tips to help calm those bundle-of-joy fears and help you rock your new role as a brand-new, baby daddy.   Winter is Where Babies Come From Fact: More babies are born in September than any other month, with spill over (and spit-up) into October. Subtract ten months for the typical 40-week, bun-in-the-oven baking time and early winter stands out as the top baby-making part of the year. Is it the cozy nights before a fire as people avoid the snowman-friendly temperatures outside? Possibly. There could be any number of reasons, both seasonal and otherwise, for what will eventually arrive in the fall and immediately steal your heart — and untold hours of your sleep. Though moms carry most of the baby burden traditionally (and literally for three trimesters), that’s no excuse for the soon-to-be-dad not to step up to the plate and take a swing at being the best partner and father on the planet. Below is a list of tips and resources to help you do just that. So read on, daddy-o.  Tip #1: Don’t Freak Out Ok, you’re probably going to freak out even if we tell you not to. But once you calm down, consider this: human beings have been having babies for millions of years, and many of those soon-to-be-dads had it much tougher than we do today. And guess what? The human race is still going strong. Those first moms and dads did a good job — and you will too, with a little help. Tip #2: Take a Class Knowledge is power. In this case, it's diaper-changing, swaddle-wrapping, 2 a.m.-feeding power. And for you and your partner, taking a parenting class or two should be a no-brainer. You'll both learn what to expect and prepare for as you support each other and bond with your baby even before he or she arrives.   Tip #3: Learn From Other Dads If the thought of sitting in a room full of full-bellied women and their partners makes you uncomfortable, you may opt to stick with bros for your lesson plan. Dad-only classes and soon-to-be-dad support groups — taught and led by seasoned fathers with tales to tell and words of wisdom to share — are available online and in cities and communities around the country. Dad-focused sites also offer advice for new and still-learning proud papas. Here are a few options to check out:  Boot Camp for New Dads City Dads Group  Tip #4: Babies are Required Reading Haven't read a good book lately? Well, if you're expecting a baby, now is the time to flip through a few pages that could make your life a whole lot easier in a few months. There's no such thing as being too-well-read when it comes to your fast-approaching, adorable little poop machine. The least you can do is read a book or two, or seven.  We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook From Dude to Dad: The Diaper Dude Guide to Pregnancy We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook  What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding Be Prepared: A Practical Handbook for New Dads  The New Dad's Survival Guide: Man-to-Man Advice for First-Time Fathers What to Expect When You're Expecting  Tip #5: Be a Prepared Soon-To-Be-Dad Tips 1 through 4 are meant to help alleviate some of your jittery, new-dad anxiety. And we hope they do just that. But if you really want to hold that "Best Dad Ever" coffee mug starting on day one, there are also some practical things you can do to prepare. Check these items off your list now to make life with baby more baby-, mommy- and daddy-friendly from the get-go.  Buy a baby/child car seat. Three out of four car seats are installed incorrectly. Protect your children by ensuring they are riding in a properly secured and age-appropriate car seat. Renown Children’s Hospital Car Seat Station is staffed by certified technicians who provide child vehicle safety restraint education, inspection and installation. Set up the baby's nursery early, including furniture  Stock up on diapers and baby supplies  Cook and freeze 2 weeks of food for nights when no one wants to cook  Research family healthcare  Agree upon a shared diaper-changing/feeding schedule  Ask about paternity leave from work  Get bills and finances up-to-date or pre-pay to avoid late charges   Give the home a thorough cleaning before the baby arrives

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    What Foods to Eat and What to Avoid When Pregnant

    Eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet when pregnant is one of the more essential things you can do for your baby and yourself. The basic principles of what to eat when pregnant are quite similar to how we should be eating all the time. This includes focusing on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. Of course, there are a few areas that you should pay close attention to when you’re pregnant and a few foods you should avoid. We consulted Renown Health’s Caitlin Bus, RD, LD, CDE to learn more about pregnancy nutrition. Foods to Eat Regularly: Veggies Vegetables of all kinds -- and in all forms -- are beneficial for you and your baby during pregnancy. Veggies ensure your body is getting the fiber, vitamins and minerals it needs. However, fresh or frozen veggies are considered best, but if you choose to eat canned veggies, make sure you choose a low sodium product. The more greens, the better! If you have an aversion to vegetables, especially in the first trimester, try sneaking them into smoothies. Healthy Proteins Protein-rich foods support your baby's growth while giving your body the nutrients to build and repair tissues, including your muscles, hair, skin and nails. Although protein requirements vary from person to person, a pregnant woman needs additional protein for her baby's growth, especially in the second and third trimesters. Regularly eating high protein foods -- like fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, peanut butter, nuts and beans –– promotes your baby's healthy brain and heart development. Grains Food like brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat pasta and oatmeal are great to eat while pregnant. They are rich in fiber, iron, B vitamins and folic acid, which are all beneficial to physical development. Grains also help alleviate constipation and hemorrhoids. Fruits Fruit can help satisfy any sugar cravings you have when pregnant while also supplying your baby with nutrients – it's a win-win. Some people advise against fruit consumption while pregnant, but this is a myth. Like with all foods, moderation is key. Fruit can be high in sugar, so it is important to be aware of your intake. Also, make sure you are mindful of your preparation – thoroughly rinse produce under running water for 30 seconds to help avoid foodborne illness. Pasteurized Dairy Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt can be great sources of protein and calcium needed for the healthy development of a baby's bones, teeth and muscles. These foods also help with ensuring healthy heart function and nerve transmission. When buying these products, make sure to choose pasteurized products to avoid exposing your body to germs and bacteria. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends 1,000mg of calcium per day for pregnant and lactating women. This equates to 4 servings of dairy or calcium-rich foods such as leafy greens, broccoli, tofu, almonds or dried figs. DHA Omega-3 Fats Omega-3s like DHA help support the health of a baby's brain and parts of their eyes. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should eat at least 8 ounces and up to 12 ounces of seafood each week. Ideally, food sources that offer DHA omega-3 and that are lower in mercury should be emphasized in your diet, including fish like salmon, sardines and anchovies. If you do not eat fish or omega-3 fortified foods, a DHA omega-3 supplement is recommended. Choline Did you know that 92% of pregnant women fail to meet the daily choline recommendation? Choline is crucial for an infant's brain and central nervous system development. One egg supplies 33% of the recommended daily intake. Although choline is often absent or low in prenatal vitamins, the best food sources include eggs, meats, fish, dairy, navy beans, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and spinach. Iron and Folic Acid Iron is the most common nutrient deficiency during pregnancy. Foods with high and moderate amounts of iron include red meat, chicken, fish, fortified cereals, spinach and beans. Folic acid is used to make the extra blood your body needs during pregnancy. Consuming adequate folic acid early in pregnancy reduces the risk of birth defects that affect the spinal cord. It is recommended to consume 400 micrograms (mcg) per day for pregnant women. This amount is included in your prenatal vitamins. Water Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby when pregnant. In addition to just being good for you, hydration alleviates morning sickness and nausea, while dehydration can lead to contractions and even pre-term labor. Aim for 10 cups of fluids per day, on top of the water naturally occurring in foods. Foods to Avoid: Raw Fish and Fish with High Mercury Content Sorry sushi fans, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, pregnant women are 10 times more likely to get infected by Listeria, a bacteria found in raw or undercooked fish. Also, avoid fish often found to be high in mercury, including swordfish, king mackerel, tuna and marlin. Processed or Raw Meat Similar to eating raw fish, eating undercooked or raw meat increases your risk of infection while pregnant. Hot dogs and lunch meats should also be avoided, unless they have been reheated to be steaming hot (for example, in a microwave). Alcohol Drinking alcohol when pregnant can impact your baby’s brain development and increases your risk of premature birth, low birth weight or miscarriage. Just don’t do it! Minimize Caffeine High caffeine intake during pregnancy can restrict your baby’s growth; therefore, it is recommended that pregnant people limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day – that’s roughly two cups (16 fl oz) of coffee per day. Runny Eggs Eating raw or runny eggs when pregnant increases your risk of Salmonella, which can cause fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Always make sure your eggs are cooked through or use pasteurized eggs.

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    Remove the Guesswork with Renown’s Labor Assessment Area

    Pictured above: A section of Renown’s Labor Assessment Area.  When patients expecting a new child are about to give birth, nerves can be especially heightened. Questions flood their minds: Is the baby actually on the way? What’s going to happen next? Are we ready to push?   Lucky for them, at Renown Health, the guesswork can finally end with Renown’s Labor & Delivery unit Labor Assessment Area. This unique space is a triage area that helps make more precise labor diagnoses by determining exactly what stage expectant parents are at in the labor process.  Funded by a state grant more than a decade ago, the six-bed Labor Assessment Area sees 500-600 patients per month – from patients entering the unit directly, unsure if they are in active labor, to patients who are sent over from elsewhere experiencing labor symptoms, such as high blood pressure and water breaking. The area also serves as a pre-operation space for patients getting ready for procedures such as C-sections. The six cubicles that are enclosed with doors and curtains ensure each patient gets the private, one-on-one care they need. Furthermore, rather than sitting in a waiting room, this area allows expectant parents a comfortable place to prepare for labor.  “We are a unit that prides ourselves on getting patients into beds very quickly,” said Debbie Hawley, Associate Nurse Manager in Renown’s Labor & Delivery unit. “This area has allowed us to triage more effectively and allow more patients to collaborate with their provider in a quick manner.”

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    A Fighting Chance at 24 Weeks Sloans Story

    Most babies weigh just one pound and are roughly the size of an eggplant when they reach 24 weeks of development inside the womb. It is a crucial stage when internal organs begin functioning, and the babies' respiratory and central nervous systems are still developing.     So, in November 2021 when Kallie Johnson experienced a premature rupture of amniotic fluid around this point in her pregnancy, her care team in Winnemucca decided to transport her via Care Flight to Renown Regional Medical Center. The team at Renown Children’s Hospital immediately began discussing the risks of delivering at 24 weeks with the Johnson family.  Moving Forward with Hope Knowing the stakes, Kallie remembers never feeling rushed to decide about delivering her baby preterm. “I felt educated and supported by my care team at Renown throughout our entire stay, starting with the education they provided about what it meant to deliver my baby early,” Kallie said. “The team really helped me make the best decision for myself and my family.”    Together, Renown employees and the Johnson family moved forward with a healthy set of nerves and a powerful feeling of hope.  Weighing in at one pound 11 ounces, Sloan entered the world on Nov. 19, 2021, via emergency Cesarean section. Her birth was classified as a micro preemie because she was born before week 26 of pregnancy and so small that she fit inside the palm of her father Sterling’s hand. A full-term pregnancy is classified as reaching 39 weeks.   A Fighting Chance  Called a fighter by many Renown Children’s Hospital care team members, Sloan spent over five months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). She was placed on a ventilator, fed through a feeding tube and monitored 24/7, overcoming daily challenges with the Renown team and her family.  As a result of being born prematurely, Sloan developed a grade one brain bleed and a congenital heart defect called patent ductus arteriosus, a persistent opening between two major blood vessels, causing too much blood to flow to the lungs and heart.   To meet the oxygen needs of her tiny lungs, Sloan was intubated and developed a severe oral aversion and high-arched palate as a result. The effects would lead to difficult developmental and physical challenges that she still conquers today. Yet, with the help of her care team – including physical, occupational and speech therapists, dieticians and doctors – Sloan continues to make progress every day.

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    Get Ready for Baby with Childbirth Classes

    By taking our pregnancy and birth class, you will gain the tools necessary to have a safe and empowering birth experience for both you and your baby. Chris Marlo, Childbirth Educator at Renown Health explains why birth classes are important. For questions regarding classes or tours, contact Chris Marlo: 775-982-4352 What is a Certified Childbirth Educator/Doula? If you are expecting a baby, Renown has a wide variety of classes to help prepare you for birth. Classes are taught by certified childbirth educators and doulas. A certified childbirth educator is a trusted resource who has a passion for educating expecting parents about childbirth, and will provide you with non-biased, evidence-based information. A doula is a professional labor assistant who provides physical and emotional support during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. As you prepare for birth, our certified educators will guide you each step of the way and ensure you receive the quality care you deserve. Why Should I Take Pregnancy and Birth Classes? For expecting parents, taking a childbirth education course is an important step in preparing for their new arrival. We cover topics such as labor and delivery, postpartum care, breastfeeding, nutrition, pain management techniques, and more. Our experienced instructors will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions during your pregnancy and childbirth. With our classes, you can be sure that you have all the knowledge necessary to have a positive experience before, during, and after your baby’s arrival. Our classes will help ease your fears as we practice breathing, relaxation and the many tools you can utilize for birth. At Renown we understand that there is no right way to give birth, and our educators will offer a supportive environment where questions are encouraged, and everyone is respected. Childbirth Class Options: Baby and Family Suites Tour & Virtual Tour Breastfeeding Basics and Beyond Class Breathing & Relaxation Techniques for Birth Pregnancy and Birth – 5 & 7 Week Series Pregnancy and Birth Class Additional Resources: Baby Safe Class Babysitter Class Grandparents Virtual Class Infant CPR & Choking Class Newborn Care Nurturing Your Newborn Preparing for Postpartum Virtual Class

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    What Does a Doula Do?

    If you’re expecting a new baby, you may have been given the advice to hire a doula. You may have seen statistics of improved outcomes among those who’ve had a doula attend their birth. Perhaps you’ve heard that the etymology is from the Greek word meaning “to serve.” But how does a doula serve their clients? A doula is a non-medical birth professional who will guide you through labor, birth, postpartum and beyond. Your doula can discuss your options with you so you can make informed decisions, as well as provide emotional and physical support to ease your experience. While each doula offers their own style, there are certain services that most doulas will provide for their clients. Typically, a birth doula will provide at least one prenatal visit, one postpartum visit and continuous support during active labor. A postpartum doula usually provides support during the 12 weeks immediately following birth, sometimes referred to as the “fourth trimester,” but some will continue care after that as well. Simply put, a doula provides informational, physical and emotional support during the childbearing year(s). Let’s take a closer look at these three ways a doula can support you. The Basics If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any. This is a common phrase in the world of birth work. When you’re in labor, you’re exhausted, in pain and there’s often urgency inherent or implied in any choices you make. So, when an intervention is offered, many birthing people accept it without question. One method that can help the decision-making process is to check your BRAIN: Benefits: What are the benefits of the proposed intervention? Risks: What are the risks of the proposed intervention? Alternatives: What are the alternative options? Intuition: What does your intuition tell you? Nothing: What if we do nothing? What if we wait? When you’re in active labor, you might have difficulty remembering this acronym; that’s where your doula comes in. At your prenatal visits, you can ask your doula for guidance in preparing your birth plan, which can include contingencies for certain potential interventions. And as choices arise during labor, your doula can guide you through the benefits and risks and can provide you with alternative options you might not otherwise be aware of that are available to you. Your doula can remind you to check in with your intuition and can help you quiet your mind so you can listen to your instincts. The Body Although we tend to see depictions of people giving birth on their backs with their feet in stirrups, this is only one of many ways to give birth. Walking and dancing can speed up early labor. Side-lying or hands-and-knees can prevent tearing during the pushing stage. Sometimes labor stalls, and a change of position is often helpful to get things moving again. Your doula can suggest positions depending on your stage of labor. Some labor positions might require the support of another person – your doula could fill this role or assist your partner in doing so. Some doulas also provide massage or even acupressure, and most will do the “hip squeeze” that so many laboring people swear by. If your baby is presenting posterior, or “sunny side up,” your doula can apply counter pressure to alleviate back pain during labor. Some postpartum doulas will do light housework while you rest and bond with your newborn. Others might care for your baby through the night so you can catch up on sleep. Many doulas have also gone through additional training to offer breastfeeding support and may be able to assist you with latch issues and nursing positions. The Mind Pregnancy, birth and postpartum periods can be some of the most emotional times in a person’s life. A doula will hold space for you and help you process your emotions before and after birth. It’s normal to feel apprehensive, or even fearful, about labor and birth, and discussing these feelings is the first step. A doula can help you navigate your concerns in a safe space so you can be prepared emotionally for your upcoming labor. Many doulas will also guide you through writing your birth plan, which can lessen anxiety about the unknown. If you have a history of trauma, your doula can assist in communicating this, so you don’t have to relive the experience every time you meet a new medical provider. Most people will experience some form of what’s often called the Baby Blues in the immediate postpartum period. The third day after birth tends to hit hard, as hormones attempt to regulate, but the Baby Blues can continue for weeks for some new parents. A postpartum doula’s support can be incredibly valuable during this time. When the baby blues last longer than a few weeks, it could considered a mood disorder. Most doulas will recognize signs of postpartum mood disorders and will have resources available for additional support. Choosing the Best Doula for You With so many wonderful doulas in northern Nevada, you might wonder how you could ever choose just one to attend your birth. Some expectant parents are unfortunately restricted by cost. With so many expenses related to a new baby, it can be difficult to budget doula services as well. Thankfully, Nevada Medicaid now covers doula care, and some commercial insurances are following suit. Check with your insurance company to find out if they might cover part of the cost for hiring a doula. If your insurance doesn’t cover doula services, some doulas offer a sliding scale based on income. You may want to interview multiple doulas to find the right one for you. If you’re the kind of person who wants all the information you can get, a more detail-oriented doula might be the best choice. But if you tend to feel overwhelmed by too many options, you might prefer a doula who only offers additional information as the situation calls for it. If you want massage or acupressure during labor, you might want to hire a doula with those certifications. Or maybe informational and physical support are not as important to you as emotional support, in which case your best choice could be a doula who has experience with postpartum mood disorders or trauma support. Regardless of who you hire, be sure to clearly communicate your desires and expectations – not just for your birth, but also for your doula. The most important thing when choosing your doula is trusting your gut. You need to feel comfortable with your doula, as they’ll be tending to you at one of the most vulnerable times in your life. When you find a doula that you click with, who listens to you and supports your choices, you have found the best doula for you.

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    • Pediatric Care

    Importance of Safe Sleep

    In today's fast-paced society, it is understandable for parents to want to take shortcuts in caring for their little ones. A s a result, It is tempting to leave a sleeping infant in a car seat or swing after a long day of errands or when you need a moment to catch your breath. But, as convenient as these devices may be, they pose a serious risk to your child's safety. Why Car Seats and Swings Pose Risks for Infant Sleep Car seats, swings, and bouncers are quick and convenient ways to feed, hold, and sleep an infant. Not out of malice or discontent, but again from the need for quick and easy access to baby care in an already busy lifestyle. However, the risks outweigh the benefits. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that “infants should be moved to a crib, bassinet, or play yard for sleeping as soon as is practical.” If a parent must use a car seat or other sitting device, they should only do so for a short period of time and never as a substitute for a proper sleeping environment. Leaving a sleeping infant in a sitting device, such as a car seat or swing, can create unsafe sleeping conditions. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warns that doing so increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and positional asphyxia. This is because infants can easily slump over or become entangled in the straps, blocking their airway, and causing suffocation. Car seats, swings, and bouncers are quick and convenient ways to feed, hold, and sleep an infant. Not out of malice or discontent, but again from the need for quick and easy access to baby care in an already busy lifestyle. However, the risks outweigh the benefits. The AAP states: Infants should be moved to a crib, bassinet, or play yard for sleeping as soon as is practical. If a parent must use a car seat or other sitting device, they should only do so for a short period and never as a substitute for a proper sleeping environment. Leaving a sleeping infant in a sitting device, such as a car seat or swing, can create unsafe sleeping conditions. The AAP warns that doing so increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and positional asphyxia. In addition, infants can easily slump over or become entangled in the straps, blocking their airways and causing suffocation.

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