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    A Renown Anesthesiologist's Unique Journey

    Dr. Nariman Rahimzadeh’s career path has been anything but typical. From humble beginnings as a shuttle bus driver for Renown Regional Medical Center, then named Washoe Medical Center, to his service as Chief of Staff for Renown South Meadows Medical Center, the steps and detours he took along the way – and the strong support from his colleagues and family members – make up a tale of perseverance, conviction, compassion and inspiration.  However, his healthcare career journey began several years before he even joined Washoe Medical Center in the 1990s.  It all began 7,446 miles away in Iran.  This is Dr. Rahimzadeh’s story.  Defining Moments  The moment Dr. Rahimzadeh knew he wanted to dedicate his career to the healthcare field started during his childhood. Growing up in Iran during the midst of the Iranian Revolution, a thought that often came to mind was, “Who is helping all the people injured in the war?”  The answer? The doctors.  “In Iranian society, doctors are extremely valued, as they are the first to help people in need,” said Dr. Rahimzadeh. “I knew I wanted to give back to society in some way, and I see my time in Iran as very formative in my future career. I just didn’t know it yet.”  After immigrating to the U.S. with his family during his preteen years, he only had one mission: to support his family. “My desires were to help my family not fall behind,” he said. “I didn’t have career aspirations at the time. All I knew is that I wanted to help my family and my community, which immediately opened its arms up to us, as well as be a good student and a good ambassador for Iran.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh remembers several influential people that helped solidify his aspiration from “helping people” to “helping people as a healthcare professional.” Their family physician and other medical professionals in the family’s lives were monumental in helping him make this decision. Coupled with his natural love for the sciences, the decision to become a doctor became clear.   But the question remained, “How do I get started in the healthcare field?”  No Links to Healthcare? No Problem  With no physicians in his immediate family and no direct connections to healthcare, Dr. Rahimzadeh set off to follow the advice he received from the influential people in his life: get a job at a healthcare facility, regardless of what the job title is.  Some of his friends had recently joined Washoe Medical Center as patient transporters and mentioned job openings that were available. He sprang into action and headed to Washoe Medical Center to apply.  Just one problem – he didn’t have the EMT certification requirement.   Enter Barry O’Sullivan, who would be Dr. Rahimzadeh’s first supervisor at Washoe Medical Center (and a friend he still speaks with to this day). Barry saw promise in Dr. Rahimzadeh immediately. As a result, Barry made a suggestion to him that would ultimately set him on the course towards medicine.  “Barry told me that he had an open position that I could work while completing the senior year of my undergraduate degree and studying for my EMT certification and eventually becoming a patient transporter. He told me Washoe Medical Center would support me in this endeavor. So, I asked what the job was and learned it was driving a shuttle bus.”  Without hesitation, Dr. Rahimzadeh responded, “I’ll take it.”  And so, his fulfilling journey with Washoe Medical Center, and eventually Renown Health, began.  While he finished up the last few months of his degree at the University of Nevada, Reno, (UNR) Dr. Rahimzadeh proudly drove the shuttle bus a few days a week. The job not only helped him pay for his degree and put food on the table, but it also allowed him to begin living out his passion for helping people in the healthcare field.  Dr. Rahimzadeh graduated with his bachelor's degree in Pre-Medicine from UNR and finished his EMT certification program. Sure enough, Barry and Washoe Medical Center lived up to their promises and helped him secure his first direct healthcare job as an EMT and Patient Transporter with REMSA. But he didn’t stop there – after several years as a ground transporter, his career literally took flight. He joined REMSA Ground Ambulance and eventually Care Flight as a Flight EMT II, caring for patients that were flying to Washoe Medical Center from nearby communities that needed lifesaving medical care.  Helping save lives every day as a member of the emergency medical team is an ultimate feat, especially when it comes to Dr. Rahimzadeh. And he didn’t stop there.  Valuing One-on-One Connections  In the 1990s, as it is today, the U.S. experienced a significant primary care provider shortage which resulted in many medical schools encouraging students to complete their residencies in a primary care specialty, like internal medicine – which is precisely what Dr. Rahimzadeh set out to do at the University of Connecticut.   However, his mind would soon change about the course of his career.   “I had a deep, introspective conversation with my residency program director, openly and honestly chatting about my future,” Dr. Rahimzadeh said. “I ended up taking a week off of my residency and wrote a long pros and cons list about what I wanted to do with my life in the medical field.”  Eventually he decided on anesthesiology because of the opportunity to have a one-on-one relationship with every surgery patient, regardless of their procedure.  “Even though it’s for a short duration of time, it is a very impactful relationship,” he said. “I feel I am making a difference in the outcomes and lives of patients every day.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh finished his internal medicine residency in three years and passed his board exam, and he went on to do the same thing for anesthesiology. He then ventured back home to Reno.  Career Progression at Its Finest  Dr. Rahimzadeh knows that people don’t always get to settle down in a place that influenced their upbringing, care and dream, yet he was able to make that vision a reality for himself.  “I feel like Renown Health and myself have this intertwined relationship that led to my growth as a person and as a physician,” he said. “For that, I feel very blessed."  Upon his arrival back to Reno with two residencies under his belt, Dr. Rahimzadeh was quickly hired at one of the two anesthesiology groups in town at the time. He started his career with Sierra Anesthesia and after working for the group for several years, he joined Associated Anesthesiologists of Reno in 2014, which went on to become one of the largest anesthesiology groups in northern Nevada. The group continuously worked very closely with Renown, taking care of all of its surgical patient needs and eventually becoming Renown Medical Group employees as of April 1, 2022, with Dr. Rahimzadeh setting up his home base at the Renown South Meadows campus.  Today, Dr. Rahimzadeh wears three “hats” at Renown. As a medical professional first and foremost, his largest “hat” is his general anesthesiologist role, where he cares for patients in the operating room. Another significant “hat” is his role as the Medical Director for Surgical Services, where he reviews surgical patient charges alongside his dedicated team of nurses and ensures optimal patient outcomes by verifying they have had the appropriate workup to proceed with surgery in a safe manner. To round out his immense responsibilities with Renown, he serves as Chief of Staff for Renown South Meadows, where he makes connections with colleagues and collaborates with leaders to review protocols, policies and address concerns that arise.  Outside of Renown, Dr. Rahimzadeh is still a contributor within his own anesthesiology practice. He also is the current President of the Nevada State Society of Anesthesiologists and the Director to the Board of Directors of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, helping bridge the gap in anesthesia concerns between his northern and southern Nevada colleagues.  He reflects on the opportunities Renown and our local community have extended to him by saying, “If you can dream big enough and continue to chase your dreams, you can make it happen right here.”  On the COVID-19 Frontlines Nothing could prepare us for the dire situation hospitals on the east coast – especially those in Livingston, New Jersey – were experiencing at the beginning of the pandemic. Livingston was known as the “second hardest hit area” by COVID-19 in April of 2020. Hospitals were overwhelmed with patients in the ICU fighting for their lives. They needed help, and they needed help now.   Unable and unwilling to sit idly by, Dr. Rahimzadeh and six of his colleagues from his practice traveled to Livingston to help. They jumped in on the frontlines alongside other anesthesiologists and intensivists to offset the sudden influx of COVID-19 patients. Many lives were saved, and Dr. Rahimzadeh was a direct part of that.  “When you care and work with people that also care, you can move the needle a lot – it doesn’t matter where you're from,” he said.  Home Means Nevada – and Renown  Renown Health is deeply rooted in the northern Nevada community. Dr. Rahimzadeh is proud to be among a diverse team who have taken responsibility for its community for generations.   "We live in a very passionate and caring community, which is often underestimated,” he said. “It’s clear to me that Renown refuses to settle. Renown is incredibly progressive in providing the best for the community. We never remain stagnant, we keep moving forward and we take care of your loved ones. This health system has never been able to sit still and settle for the status quo. That stands out to me.”  One story especially sticks out to Dr. Rahimzadeh as the moment when he knew that Renown was home. In 1997 while working as a patient transporter, his grandmother passed away on the sixth floor of the Sierra Tower at what is now Renown Regional Medical Center. At the funeral, a huge bouquet of flowers arrived. Not being especially close to anyone in Reno yet, Dr. Rahimzadeh's family had no idea who sent the beautiful arrangement. Turns out, it was Rod Callahan, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Washoe Medical Center at the time.   “At that point, I knew I wasn’t just a part of a workforce with thousands of employees,” said Dr. Rahimzadeh. “The COO cared so much about me that he felt compelled to send such a wonderful gift during a tragic time. That’s the value of a local, community-focused hospital; the people here know you and care about you. There’s a reason why people stay at Renown for so long – we feel that connection.”  Dr. Rahimzadeh also reflected on how far Renown South Meadows has come, from the time he immigrated to the U.S. to today. “Growing up, Renown South Meadows was kind of a ‘mom and pop shop’ primarily serving senior citizens in one wing and surgical patients in the other,” he said. “Now, I am so proud to see how far it has come. It really made its niche in the community in a great way. The future is bright!”  It’s clear that Dr. Rahimzadeh is leaving a lasting legacy with his family, from the local community to global medicine. His son is a senior at Baylor University in Texas with a strong desire to go into medicine, just like his dad. His daughter is a junior at Bishop Manogue Catholic High School in Reno and enjoys being involved in her community. His loving wife is a speech therapist in the area. The Rahimzadeh family is thriving together, and they all share the same conviction about northern Nevada and Renown:  “This is home.”

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    3,000 Miles Away But Close to Home

    Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and can overcome by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness bloom. – Nelson Mandela, February 2005, Make Poverty History Campaign in London Lifting away the curtain that symbolized the front door, I entered a dark, cinderblock room and instantly became overwhelmed by an unpleasant odor. Working with oncology patients as a Child Life Specialist and an Occupational Therapist for over ten years, I recognized that smell. I had arrived in Guatemala – more than 3,000 miles from Reno – and it was my first day of a week-long trip where I would be serving alongside physicians in low-income communities providing free medical care for residents. My name is Brittany Jemmoua, I am an occupational therapist at Renown, and I recently volunteered with Kalan Kuxtal, a non-profit Guatemalan organization. I served alongside physicians by providing free primary care mobile clinics and home visits. The care we provided focused on prevention, intervention, education and lifestyle/medication management as we partnered with local entities, such as fire stations, community centers and schools to transform hundreds of lives. Speaking in both English and Spanish, I collected patient intake information, performed exams, tested for diabetes, and collaborated on a diabetes research project focused on daily risk assessment. Beyond these tasks, I immersed myself in the culture and learned more from the Guatemalan people than I could have ever imagined. Similar to Renown, Kalan Kuxtal Operates with Community at its Core Kalan Kuxtal, a Mayan expression meaning “life guardian,” is different from other volunteer medical trip organizations, and I took home valuable insights and lessons from their way of life that I now consider daily in my practice at Renown. I expanded my knowledge about diabetes, hypertension, pharmacology, infectious diseases, pregnancy complication, vector-borne illness and tuberculosis. We conducted home visits for socially neglected populations rather than expecting everyone to come to our clinics. I found that being welcomed into people’s homes gives you a different lens in which to view how their medical diagnoses interact with living conditions, occupations, and quality of life. This is when I met Mercedes and her mom. Her mom, Ms. Valencia, had jaundice skin and a substantial Basal Cell Carcinoma aggressively protruding from her face that impacted eating, hearing, seeing, sleep and social interactions. This opportunity to serve within their home led to an important palliative care conversation that would have been missed had we stayed in the clinic. We combed the rural neighborhoods assessing people’s risk for diabetes, taking glucose tests and educating families about their next steps. Many individuals had uncontrolled diabetes and misunderstandings regarding basic health management strategies. At the end of the day, many people demonstrated feelings of empowerment by actively offering solutions regarding how they will manage their day-to-day glucose with diet and exercise. Small actions can lead to big changes, and in the long-term, these health actions can help them avoid medication costs and focus on affording basic life necessities, such as water and electricity. Kalan Kuxtal organized a cultural day that included going to local businesses and community leaders to learn more about how they support the people of Guatemala. For example, Valhalla Macadamia Farm’s main goal is to help communities gain access to income, employment, and improved wellbeing by donating macadamia trees to families to grow and then sell macadamia products. A Weeklong Trip with Lifelong Impacts Each patient made a lasting impact on me, both personally and professionally. One specific family I saw in the clinic had a unique situation in that their two-year-old daughter, Margareth Elizabeth Cifuentes Bautista, was laboriously diagnosed with irregular corneal syndrome associated with glaucoma of congenital origin. Due to Guatemala’s limited prenatal screens and interventions, Elizabeth is nearly blind. While highly spirited and happy, she trips, bumps and feels her way through life. One barrier to her healthcare access is that her hard-working parents remain well below the poverty line, making less than $900/month. I am working to connect them with generous US Ophthalmologists and pediatric eye specialists to explore how we might save her sight and help her family. Their biggest dream is that she could recover her eyesight. “I know that this is not a life-threatening situation, but it is still something that never stops hurting me,” Jorge Cifuentes, Elizabeth’s father, said. “Unfortunately, our situation here is very hard. This country [Guatemala], although beautiful, it is very difficult to get ahead. We are people living in underprivileged conditions which complicates our situation even more. However, we are still trying to thrive by being kind and hardworking people. Thank you for helping us.” I have had the privilege of an opportunity for education, access to healthcare, employment and am aware that inequity and injustice prevail. This experience reinforced my understanding that medicine is a physically and mentally demanding profession that requires a commitment to service, continuous learning and adaptation both on local and global scales. I encourage everyone to please join me in serving the underserved by volunteering. Brittany is an experienced Occupational Therapist at Renown and volunteers with Kalan Kuxtal and other entities, such as The Robert Unsworth Foundation and Rock Steady Boxing to elevate communities. She loves being an Occupational Therapist; however, her life experiences confirm that her true calling is to become a physician. She is currently applying to medical school. Brittany is eager to earn the responsibility to improve lives and communities as their engaged physician. Brittany is tentatively scheduled to return to Guatemala at the end of this year to continue partnering with the people for a better future. You are welcome to join!

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    Renown & The National Guard: How These Employees Serve with Maximum Impact

    Jason Farnsworth, Evan Fox and Jennifer Jenni are three of Renown’s more than 500 employees who currently serve, or who have served, in our miliary. Their deep-rooted passion for helping our community extends to the Nevada National Guard (NANG), an organization that shares many values with Renown. We sat down with Jason, Evan and Jenni to ask their perspective on what propels them to serve people in our home state and learn more about how Renown's partnership with the Nevada National Guard has supported their personal and professional growth. Meet Jason Farnsworth, the Face Behind Renown’s Partnership with the National Guard Jason Farnsworth is the Director of Respiratory Care Services at Renown and the Chief Master Sergeant, Medical Superintendent of the Nevada National Guard. He has been with the Guard and Renown for 23 years. Jason joined the Guard over 20 years ago to help pay for his college education. After using up his paid vacation time from Renown for Guard events like deployments or training in his initial years as a Guard member, Jason approached Renown senior leadership with the idea of paid military leave. “In full support of employees who choose to serve, Renown stepped up to give a resounding, ‘yes,’ as they have time and time again for our military community,” Jason said. From that day forward, policies were implemented at Renown to further support individuals who serve our country with paid military leave. As a result, Jason submitted an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Secretary of Defense Freedom Award nomination and Renown Health won the highest-level department of defense employer recognition in the nation. Since then, Jason has received four associate degrees, one bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree with the government’s support and has been promoted several times to his current roles at Renown and the Guard. “As I progressed at Renown, I was able to progress in the National Guard. They've complimented one another on leadership skills and clinical competencies.” How Evan Fox Finds Synergy in His Roles at Renown and the National Guard After five years as a cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) nurse at Renown Regional Medical Center and two years as a First Lieutenant Critical Care Nurse in the Guard, Evan Fox has implemented care plans for many community members and put his expertise to good use. The countless trauma hours he has completed at Renown have directly translated to the field as a Guard member. He states that “his roles are synergistic, and his innumerable hours of critical care are worth their weight in gold because of the transferability between the two positions.” Evan’s Roles Provide Service to Our Community, and Beyond Evan feels passionately that his experience with the Guard is unique because you live in the area that you serve, whereas with other military branches you are often stationed elsewhere. Recently, he’s cared for many people involved in firefighting missions in our surrounding areas. As a member of the medical group of the Nevada National Guard, Evan is prepared to provide critical care at any given moment in the event of deployment due to a natural or man-made disaster. He can provide critical care in our region and across the nation. How Jennifer’s Leadership Journey Continues to Grow Jennifer Jenni is the nurse manager of the cardiac ICU and intermediate care unit at Renown Regional Medical Center. She has been with Renown for 13 years and initially started at Renown South Meadows Medical Center in the general surgical unit. She felt compelled to take advantage of Renown’s development programs as she worked her way up to supervisor and now as a manager. She is also a registered nurse and captain in the Nevada National Guard as well as a member of an enhanced resource force team, equipped to provide aid anywhere in the nation in the event of a disaster. With Jennifer, People Always Come First Her dedication to serving people has always been a part of who she is, even before she became a leader. From an early age, Jennifer felt strongly that she wanted to be involved in the military in some way stating that “the Guard is very much a service to the people, whether it's our community or nationwide.” While her clinical leadership qualities and skills have translated well to her role as a captain, holding two leadership titles is no easy feat – especially when it comes to the continued training her roles require. However, because of the support Renown provides its military community, Jennifer was able to confidently attend officer training in Alabama last year. Jennifer was fully supported by her Renown team when she was away and took advantage of her paid military leave benefit. More Than Just a Partnership, but a Family Jason, Evan and Jennifer are among the many employees who choose to serve both here at Renown and in the Guard. You might see National Guard members who are also Renown employees in areas like the cardiac ICU, trauma ICU, emergency department or medics who work on hospital floors. “Not only is my family out at the National Guard, but they are also here at Renown. It’s amazing to see how many people spend their lives giving back,” Jason said.

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    Zarah Path from Traveler to OR Nurse

    As many nurses can attest, the journey they have taken to arrive at where they are today is full of twists and turns. For Zarah Jayco, an operating room nurse at Renown Regional Medical Center, her journey is nothing short of a fulfilling and exciting one. Zarah is no stranger to taking detours to find what truly makes her feel the bursts of passion she had been looking for her entire life. She found that passion in the operating room – and travel nursing led her to Renown Health. Today, she is a firm believer that she is exactly where she is supposed to be.  “I Just Want to Help People”  Throughout her life, Zarah knew she was destined for a meaningful career – but didn’t exactly know what. One day, she sat down with her mom, a nurse herself, where she asked the question that would ignite Zarah’s curiosity: What is important to you?  “That’s when I told my mom: ‘honestly, I just want to help people.’”  It was at that moment that she realized nursing could be a fit for her. Everything about venturing into the nursing field started to make sense.  So, that’s precisely what she did. Zarah went to nursing school. When she stepped into the OR during her clinical rotation, she was immediately inspired.  Zarah’s core values as a nurse were rooted from caring for her 90-year-old grandmother while she was in hospice. Her grandmother gave her some powerful lessons and words as she set off on her career: “You are in the right place.”  Upon completion of her perioperative program, Zarah the OR Nurse we know and love started her journey. She began her trek as a travel nurse, going up and down California to do exactly what she was meant to do: care for surgical patients.  “I Traded the Ocean Waves for the Mountains”  As Zarah continued to travel and find different locations for new assignments, her husband received an opportunity for work to transfer to the Biggest Little City. The duo packed up their California lives and moved to northern Nevada, where Zarah signed up for a night shift OR nurse position at Renown Regional Medical Center.  But the traveler’s mindset wouldn’t last long.  Renown embraced Zarah with open arms, and she was immediately drawn into the community-feel that our health system offered. She felt welcomed and surrounded by “loving, hardworking people” across her department and all other teams she encountered.  As Renown cares for patients across 100,000 square miles, Zarah was especially impressed with how rooted Renown is in northern Nevada, noting how it “truly feels like we are caring for the community” with our health system’s wide reach. She was inspired to live up to that mission and more.  “Reno and Renown really reeled me in, and I fell in love with the city and everything it has to offer,” said Zarah. “I traded the ocean waves for the mountains, and the more we got to know Reno, the more we realized that this change of pace and lifestyle was definitely a good fit for us.”  Zarah the OR Travel Nurse became Zarah the Renown OR Core Staff Charge Nurse. And she knew she made the right decision.  Working in the OR, according to Zarah, is challenging in the best way possible. At night, all surgery cases at Renown are emergencies. The team springs into action to answer one vital question: How do we provide the best care for this patient?  “It is essential for us to anticipate potential outcomes,” said Zarah. “When we book a surgical case, we look at everything to make sure we are absolutely prepared and ready.”  Staying at Renown was an easy choice for Zarah. To her, there is nothing like being a part of a core team that inspires her every day and ‘has each others’ back,’” Zarah stated. “During the course of my assignment at Renown, the culture harnessed a kind of environment that felt like a hardworking family. This was the hook that reeled me into considering being part of core staff. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to build relationships that I hold in the highest esteem.”

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    Employee Blog: Team Renown at Northern Nevada Pride

    It’s July 23, 2022, and I am arriving in Downtown Reno to walk in my first-ever Pride Parade. Even more amazing, I am going to be walking with a group of my coworkers, announcing to our entire community that our employer supports us being our full and truest selves. I arrived alone, but in the staging area I met new people who worked in other departments of Renown, coworkers I might never have met if not for Pride. I even took a selfie with one of these new friends. Someone passed around flags for us to hand out to the audience as we marched by. I took a rainbow-striped temporary tattoo in the shape of the Renown “R” and used my water bottle to apply it. There was an overwhelming atmosphere of excitement and joy that can only come from gathering with other human beings who are overflowing with love. We started the Parade waving handfuls of Pride flags high and gave those flags out to the audience as we passed. By the time we were done walking, our hands were empty, but our hearts were full. I couldn’t have stopped smiling if I’d tried. I’d joined the parade as a single person, but as we walked, I became part of a community. Not only the Renown community, but a community of Proud queer people across northern Nevada. And by extension, the LGBTQIA+ community all around the world – past, present and future.  With the multiple recent state laws proposing to strip away the rights of LGBTQIA+ people, many of us have felt a noticeable decline in our mental health and feelings of personal safety.  As a member of the queer community, I have felt these mental health effects too. I am fortunate and privileged enough to not have experienced workplace discrimination in my current position. But before Renown, I – like so many others in the LGBTQIA+ community – had a negative experience at a previous job, and afterwards I was hesitant to share my full self while at work. To be able to walk in a Pride Parade with my current employer, healed a little bit of that past pain inflicted by my former employer.  When our liberties are under attack, Pride is more important than ever. We must remind ourselves, especially when others cannot seem to remember, that we are loved and worthy of love. I am grateful to work for an organization that is willing and able to fight this good fight with us.  I will certainly be back to walk in this year’s Pride Parade, and I sincerely hope to see you there too! Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes, sunglasses and of course keep your skin safe with sunscreen. Whether you’re part of the LGBTQIA+ community, or just an ally, you are welcome.

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