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    • Cancer Care
    • Healing Arts

    Handmade Bracelets a Labor of Love for Cancer Patients

    The road through cancer treatment can test even the toughest of spirits. A local organization is handcrafting and donating beaded bracelets to the courageous women who have reached the finish line at Renown Infusion Services. After finishing her sixth and final cycle of chemotherapy at Renown Infusion Services, Joan Jackson told her nurse, Daun Russell, RN, she was tired. Russell returned with a box and opened it -- as she does for all cancer patients completing treatment -- and said, “pick one.” What Jackson was selecting was a beautiful, handmade bracelet crafted and donated by the local Soroptimist organization. Jackson picked a purple bracelet with a tag that read, "Congratulations on completing your treatment. Imagine what you can do now." “Picking the bracelet was such a special thing to mark my last day of chemo,” Jackson says. "Their gesture impacted me for the good after going through so much.”   The women behind the bracelets  Bev Perkins, a member of the Soroptimist International of Truckee Meadows, says the bracelet project began in 2009 as a way of celebrating those who completed cancer treatment. She wanted the project to be hands-on, so she involved the club members by organizing a small budget and asking others to donate jewelry. The group comes together each year to make the bracelets. Perkins disassembles the donated jewelry, adding newly purchased beads to make kits for the bracelets. The volunteers also add a metal tag inscribed with an inspiring word, like “believe,” “hope” or “love.” “It’s a labor of love for us,” says Kay Dumhan, group treasurer. “It’s to show empowerment and to help these women know there are people who are encouraged by them.” “When bracelets are donated there is usually quite a bit of feedback on how much it’s appreciated,” Dumhan says. “We never want to run out so we make sure we have a supply there. We’ve had cancer survivors as members and that makes it all the more personal.”

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    • Cancer Care
    • Mammogram
    • Screening

    3D vs Whole Breast Ultrasound Which is Right for You

    Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women in the U.S. That’s why early detection is so important. Dr. George Krakora, a radiologist with Renown Institute for Cancer, explains what to watch for and how new technology can lead to early detection. Most women know the importance of breast health and staying current with annual breast exams, but may not know that both screening guidelines and technology is evolving. So we asked George Krakora, MD, a radiologist for the Renown Institute for Cancer, what every woman should know about breast cancer detection and which screening method is right for them. First off, when should women start getting breast exams? Generally, women should start getting breast exams using mammography or ultrasound after they turn 40 years old. But we also want women ages 18 to 39 to talk to their primary care provider and ask for what’s called a formal risk assessment to see if screening is needed sooner. And you want to make sure your care provider is giving you a breast exam starting at age 25. It’s also a good idea to be familiar with how your breasts look and feel so you can report any changes to your care provider. What are the risk factors for breast cancer? Are there any preventive steps women can take? There a few risk factors you can’t control, like your age, family history of breast or other cancers, and if you have dense breast tissue. Your risk for breast cancer increases as you get older, and most breast cancers are diagnosed after age 50. Knowing your family history is important because a history of cancer and shared lifestyle can raise your risk. Your breast density can also increase your risk: Women with high breast density are four-to-five times more likely to get breast cancer than women with low breast density. But the good news is there are quite a few things you can do to prevent breast cancer, like not smoking, watching your alcohol intake, and maintaining a healthy weight with good diet and exercise. There are a lot of newer screenings out today. What is the difference between 2-D and 3-D mammography? In a 2-D mammogram, the tech takes X-rays of the breast. These pictures can show the radiologist if there are any lumps or tumors you might not be able to feel. In 3-D mammography, the process is largely the same but more X-rays are taken and it takes a few seconds longer for each image. This kind of exam detects 41 percent more cancers and reduces the number of false-positive results given to patients. This improvement in technology is great for both patients and their care providers. 3-D mammography provides better images of the breast, which allow doctors to more clearly diagnose and avoid false positives, especially in women with dense breast tissue. And what about a whole breast ultrasound. What is that? A whole breast ultrasound uses sound waves to detect cancerous tumors in the breast without using any radiation — it’s an ultrasound just like pregnant women get to check up on their baby. And the exam only takes about 20 minutes. We recommend these exams for patients whose mammograms have shown that they have dense breast tissue. Dense breast tissue can make it harder for doctors to see any abnormalities, lumps or tumors in a mammogram, so this technology ensures better early detection.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Men's Health

    Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Treatments and Screenings

    Did you know: More than 2.9 million men in the United States who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point are still alive today. Prostate cancer is common, but also treatable, especially when caught early. Dr. Michael Hardacre of the Renown Institute for Cancer explains. With the exception of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in American men. In fact, the American Cancer Society offers these key statistics: About 1 man in 9 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Prostate cancer develops mainly in older men and in African-American men. About 6 cases in 10 are diagnosed in men aged 65 or older, and it is rare before age 40. The average age at the time of diagnosis is about 66. The good news: This form of cancer is very treatable when also detected early. Michael Hardacre, MD, radiation oncologist with Renown Institute for Cancer, is here to explain more about prostate cancer screenings and their role in early detection. What is the prostate? The prostate is a gland that only males have, and it makes part of the seminal fluid. Prostate cancer begins when the cells in the prostate gland start growing uncontrollably due to a change in the cell’s genes. Researchers are working to find what leads to the disease. Certain types of prostate cancer are hereditary, or passed on through genes. However, most types of prostate cancer are acquired and developed later in life. What are some of the signs of prostate cancer? Common signs of prostate cancer include: Frequent urination Weak urine flow Painful urination or inability to urinate Blood in urine or semen Painful ejaculation Erectile dysfunction If you notice any of these signs, talk with your primary care doctor. Although it may be intimidating to talk about any of these signs or symptoms, the earlier prostate cancer is detected, the better the options for treatment. How can you screen for or detect prostate cancer? The good news is that prostate cancer can often be found before symptoms appear, because screening is as simple as a blood test. Your doctor will look for levels of a prostate-specific antigen in the blood. If the results come back with anything concerning, then additional testing would be recommended. A transrectal ultrasound can also be used, which is usually painless and only takes about 10 minutes to complete. This exam gives the doctor an image of the prostate to measure its size, which can help determine the density of the prostate-specific antigen. If this test comes back with any suspicious results, then your doctor may recommend a biopsy. What are the treatment options? Depending on each case, treatment options for men with prostate cancer might include: Watchful waiting or active surveillance Surgery Radiation therapy Cryotherapy (cryosurgery) Hormone therapy Chemotherapy Vaccine treatment Bone-directed treatment It’s important to discuss all of the treatment option with your doctors, including goals and possible side effects, to help make the decision that best fits your needs. Some important things to consider when choosing a treatment option also include: The stage and grade of your cancer Your age and also your expected life span Any other serious health conditions you have Your feelings (and your doctor’s opinion) about the need to treat the cancer right away The likelihood that treatment will cure your cancer (or help in some other way) Your feelings about the possible side effects from each treatment Renown Institute for Cancer | 775-982-4000 At the Renown Health Institute for Cancer, our experienced team provides the support and care to maintain the highest quality of life and then achieve the best possible outcome, all in one location that’s close to home. Our dedicated team, clinical expertise and also advanced treatment options allow us to tailor care to each patient. Learn about: Our Team Cancers We Treat Screening and Prevention Treatment Options

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    • Cancer Care

    Woman With Family History of Cancer Taking Action Today

    With a family history of breast and other cancer, Aime′ Landaburu isn’t missing a single health screening. She recently had her first mammogram as well as a whole breast ultrasound, which detects 41 percent more cancers and reduces the number of false-positive results. Like many people, Aime′ Landaburu is busy juggling parenthood and a career. It would be easy to put health screenings on the back burner, but with a grandmother who has survived breast cancer three times and a grandmother who had ovarian cancer, Landaburu is addressing her family health history head-on. “I decided at 35 that I needed to get my screenings done because I have my family history of both grandmothers having had cancer,” Landaburu says. “In addition to the mammogram, I was really interested in doing the whole breast ultrasound. It is the same price as getting my hair done and it’s potentially something that could save my life.” Landaburu says the procedures were painless. “It was really comfortable, and the techs were all so nice and kind and gentle and explained things along the way.” Breast Screening Technology Provides Greater Insight George Krakora, MD, lead radiologist for Renown’s Breast Health Center, says the new 3D imaging for mammograms is picking up subtle cancers that would not have been seen with the previous 2D imaging. “It’s an additional tool that helps find those subtle cancers that may be missed in dense breasts,” Dr. Krakora says. With the whole breast ultrasound, the tech screens for masses — which are often obscured on the mammogram X-ray. Studies show it detects an additional 2 to 3 cancers per 1,000 women that would not have been detected with routine mammography. “Aime′ was noted to have heterogeneous dense breast tissue. That puts her at a little higher risk for cancer and also limits the sensitivity of mammography,” Dr. Krakora says. Multiple Ways to Screen for Breast Cancer However, Dr. Krakora notes, breast ultrasound is not a substitute for mammography, which can detect calcifications that can represent the earliest forms of cancer.” Surprisingly to Landaburu, her results came in just three days. “It’s so important to know what’s going on in your body. I was really nervous when I first got the paperwork, but ultimately it was negative, “ Landaburu says. “I’m thankful it was good and I have a baseline for the future.” Landaburu also advises other young women with a history of breast cancer to proactively communicate. She says it’s important to reach out to women they know who have survived breast cancer. “You have to take the first step and you want to be around for your kids and your family and yourself,” she says. “So utilize your resources, educate yourself and go get screened.” Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention Breast cancer begins when abnormal cells in the breast grow out of control. These cells form tumors that can grow into the surrounding tissue and spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer occurs mostly in women, but men can also develop breast cancer. To schedule a mammogram or whole breast ultrasound, call 775-982-8100, or schedule an appointment online. Make an Appointment

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    • Cancer Care
    • Caregiver

    Cancer Support FAQs: How to Help When It's Someone You Love

    Every cancer journey is different — and so are the ways individuals deal with a cancer diagnosis. So if you’re a close friend or family member, how can you help? Bobbi Gillis, manager of cancer support services with Renown Institute for Cancer, explains more. Just as we are all unique, we all also have our own ways of dealing with difficult news. For some, receiving a cancer diagnosis is devastating, and they want family members rallying around them in support; for others, they want to be left completely alone. So how do you know what is helpful and what is hurtful? For advice, we reached out to Bobbi Gillis, manager of cancer support services with Renown Institute for Cancer. Support, Defined What are some ways to support a loved one when they find out they have cancer? First and foremost, let them know you are there for them. As we can all imagine, a cancer diagnosis is scary, and it’s helpful just to know you have support if and when you need it. Second, try to listen and give advice only when you are asked. In trying to help as much as possible, many family and friends take on the role of “researcher” to find out more treatment options, but it’s best to avoid saying “you should try this” or “you ought to do that.” Patients are already dealing with a lot of information at once from care providers and their own research. You don’t want to make them feel overwhelmed or question the treatment they’re planning. What are some words of encouragement or support people can use? Just as you would in any difficult situation, speak from the heart and be genuine. But also be careful not to show false optimism or to tell them to just stay positive; saying these things may discount their fears and concerns. Here are some ideas to get you started: “We’re going to get through this together.” “Count me in to help out.” “I’m not sure what to say, but I want you to know I care and I’m here.” What resources are available to patients? What about their families? For patients with cancer, we offer support groups in-person or online. There are also support groups specific to the type of cancer you or your loved one have. You can check these out on our website,, or ask your care provider. There are also support groups and emotional support services available for family and friends. How can family and friends help throughout cancer treatment? It’s great to offer help, but it’s important to be specific when you offer. Saying “call me if you need something” is very general, and people may feel like they’re putting you out when they do ask for something specific. Instead, offer help with certain tasks — like driving them to treatment, babysitting, making them dinner or buying groceries. As much as possible, keep things normal. For some patients, being able to do everyday things like walking the dog helps them feel better. Loved ones can try to do too much for a patient, and while well-intentioned, this can make them feel less useful after being diagnosed. Renown Institute for Cancer | 775-982-4000 At the Renown Health Institute for Cancer, our experienced team provides the support and care to maintain the highest quality of life and then achieve the best possible outcome, all in one location that’s close to home. Our dedicated team, clinical expertise and advanced treatment options allow us to tailor care to each patient. Learn about: Our Team Cancers We Treat Screening and Prevention Treatment Options Find a Doctor

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    • Cancer Care
    • Prevention and Wellness

    Head, Neck and Oral Cancers: How You Can Spot and Treat Them

    Head, neck and oral cancers account for just 3 percent of all cancer in the U.S. and can be hard to diagnose. Dr. Abhinand Peddada, radiation oncologist with the Renown Institute for Cancer, explains. While you likely don’t frequently hear about head, neck and oral cancers — they are significantly less common than many kinds of cancer — they can be extremely dangerous. One of the primary reasons: some symptoms mimic the common cold, making them difficult to detect without a medical professional. We asked Abhinand Peddada, M.D., radiation oncologist with the Renown Institute for Cancer, to break down the symptoms and lifestyle risks of these rare cancers. First off, what are some of the signs and symptoms of head, neck and oral cancers? Symptoms can vary based on where the cancer is. For example, throat cancer may show up as a persistent sore throat, while sinus cancer may present as soreness or pressure in the sinuses that doesn’t get better. Some other symptoms to watch may include: Swelling in the throat Painless swelling in the neck Red or white patches in the throat Hoarseness Bloody noses or blood in the mucus or saliva A new and unexplained lump or bump anywhere on the face, neck, mouth or throat Difficulty breathing Difficulty swallowing, chewing or moving the muscles in your face, neck, mouth or throat Bad breath, even with good oral hygiene Loose teeth Dentures or retainers that no longer fit Double vision Who is most at risk for head, neck and oral cancers? Both men and women can develop head, neck and oral cancers, but men are at almost twice the risk of women. People over the age of 40 are also at a higher risk, and these cancers tend to be more common in African Americans. Tobacco use — including cigarettes, cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco — is another risk factor. Tobacco is linked to 85 percent of head and neck cancers. Exposure to fumes and chemicals can increase your risk as well. We’re also seeing more HPV-related head and neck cancers in the U.S., so patients with HPV may want to watch more closely for symptoms. What about screening and prevention? Your dentist already looks for signs and symptoms at your regular dental checkups. Additionally, if you have one of these risk factors and are experiencing signs and symptoms, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor about possible screenings. To help prevent these types of cancers, try to minimize your controllable risk factors. This means quitting tobacco, watching your alcohol consumption and taking care of your oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. We also recommend the HPV vaccination for both boys and girls starting at age 11. By vaccinating at an earlier age, one is less likely to develop oral HPV. What do diagnosis and treatment look like for these cancers? At Renown Institute for Cancer we offer the most advanced diagnostic testing available including fiberoptic photos, CT and PET scans, as well as MRIs. Together, you and your care team will decide which treatment best fits your needs. For these types of cancers, treatment options include radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. Renown Institute for Cancer | 775-982-4000 At the Renown Health Institute for Cancer, our experienced team provides the support and care to maintain the highest quality of life and then achieve the best possible outcome, all in one location that’s close to home. Our dedicated team, clinical expertise and advanced treatment options allow us to tailor care to each patient. Learn about: Our Team Cancers We Treat Screening and Prevention Treatment Options Find a Cancer Doctor

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    • Cancer Care
    • Awards and Accreditations

    What Is the Importance of Having an Institute for Cancer?

    What is an institute for cancer — and why does it matter that we have one right here in Reno? Here, a radiation oncologist answers those questions and more.  Sadly, our community health needs assessment shows cancer is the second leading cause of death in Washoe County. But many residents may not know there is an institute for cancer right here in Reno that can care for you or your loved one after diagnosis. Dr. Michael Hardacre, a radiation oncologist with Renown Institute for Cancer is here with more. What is an institute for cancer? The way I like to think of it: An Institute has healthcare providers highly trained in patient-centered care. For example, when you have cancer, many times you’ll see a lot of doctors. A program brings those doctors together — so you really have one team working together. An Institute takes that one step further. Say there are other needs beyond the doctor’s office such as nurse navigators, dietitians, physical therapists to help you get on track, etc. An Institute really proactively thinks of the need of the cancer patient. It then makes sure all those things are available to them throughout their treatment. The term “institute for cancer” identifies a cancer program that is comprehensive and multidisciplinary in nature. For Renown, that means that we have the specialists in medical oncology, surgical oncology and radiation oncology working together with other specialists to assure that a patient has coordinated care throughout the entire treatment course of cancer care. Together with cancer prevention and diagnostics, genetic assessment, supportive care, clinical trials, and cancer survivorship, the institute for cancer provides care for the community, families and patients along the entire spectrum of cancer care. What types of cancer do you treat? We’re fortunate to be able to provide cancer treatments for all types of cancers, and we’re one of the major referral centers for northern Nevada. Most commonly, just like much of the country, lung cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer are the most frequent we see. Our care spans brain, to neck cancer and everything in between. As an accredited comprehensive community cancer program, Renown Health provides services for all cancer types. The highest volume cancers treated at Renown are breast, colorectal, lung, genitourinary, blood and gynecologic cancers. Most treatments can be done right here in Reno, but when there are specialty needs such as stem cell or bone marrow transplantation, we partner with quaternary centers, like Stanford, to assure a smooth transition of care both to and from the quaternary center. What kinds of care and treatments are offered? We offer a wide range of comprehensive care. We treat the cancer itself — surgical, radiation oncology, medical oncology in the form of chemotherapy or pills. Also addressed: dietary needs, physical therapy and navigation through this whole process. People may be surprised by the scope and scale of the Renown Institute for Cancer. For instance, our Radiation Center has the latest technologies to treat cancers. This includes the Linear Accelerators, which are machines with treatment planning software tools. In addition to the traditional external radiation treatments provided in most centers, Renown performs specialty treatments using High-Dose Brachytherapy, a treatment with an active radiation “source” and in Brain Stereotactic Radiosurgery, assuring that patients can stay right here in northern Nevada — close to home. What does that mean for the quality of care? I think it’s always great in any environment to have external people come into your program and not only share what’s happening nationally and what we could do better, but also to validate “are you doing things at the highest level you can?” That accreditation process is just one way to give us that seal of approval. We’re lucky enough this year to get the gold award by the American College of Surgeons — its highest honor. We were honored to receive it. Why is important that you’re an accredited institute? Accreditation assures our community that quality is a top priority for us. Each of the accrediting bodies has a set of standards that identify service and quality standards. Renown Institute for Cancer has the following accreditations: American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer: Full Cancer Program accreditation, standards address issues from cancer prevention/diagnosis to treatment to survivorship and/or end-of-life. Renown received the Gold Level Accreditation in 2018, the highest level of accreditation possible; American College of Surgeons’ National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers: Full Breast Center/Program accreditation, standards address issues from breast cancer prevention/diagnosis to treatment to survivorship and/or end-of-life; American College of Radiology – Radiation Therapy: Full Radiation Oncology accreditation for radiation equipment, treatment planning, treatment and treatment follow-up; and American College of Radiology – Mammography Services.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Food and Nutrition
    • Grief Support
    • Caregiver

    Cancer Nutrition - Helpful Tips to Support Your Loved One to Eat Healthy

    Eating healthy is a daily challenge for many, but for those with cancer it is an even harder struggle. A cancer diagnosis not only impacts those diagnosed, but family members and friends too. One key area of concern is making sure your loved one stays well by eating healthy food every day. Here are some essential cancer nutrition tips from Renown Health registered dietitians Jessica Blauenstein and Amy Laster. Help to Prepare Meals and Snacks for Daily Cancer Nutrition Make it grab and go. Easy-to-make meals help reduce the burden of having to cook and prepare food. Having easy to grab snacks on the counter or in the fridge can help ensure your loved one has access to those nutrients when needed. Sit outside of the kitchen. This allows your loved one to avoid cooking smells which can make them feel sick as a side effect of cancer treatments. Also try serving them cold foods such as sandwiches, cheese and crackers, or shakes which have a mild scent. Try drinkable meals. Some people with cancer find it easier to sip their calories over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. Consider smoothies or supplemental shakes such as Ensure Enlive or Boost Plus as snacks not meal replacements. A great foundation for a smoothie is a protein source (Greek yogurt, protein powder, nut butters or milk) with a carbohydrate (fruits, juice or berries). Add other ingredients as desired, such as spinach, kale, and ground flaxseed or chia seeds to give it more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Snack Ideas for Those Undergoing Cancer Treatment The following ideas are both quick and easy to make for your loved one. Chicken or tuna salad with whole grain crackers or as a sandwich on whole grain bread Greek yogurt mixed with cereal, fruit and/or nuts Cottage cheese with banana, cinnamon and/or peanut butter Favorite fruit with 100% natural peanut or almond butter spread - Try peanut butter with bananas, apples, or even celery Their favorite veggies dipped in a salad dressing of your choice - For example, carrots with hummus or ranch dressing Cheese and whole grain crackers - Add tomato slices with a dash of oregano on top for more flavor Eggs scrambled with cheese, vegetables and/or salsa Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread A baked sweet potato with some favorite toppings Hard boiled eggs and/or egg salad with whole grain crackers, or as a sandwich on whole grain bread Oatmeal or cream of wheat prepared with milk, fruit and/or nuts Sometimes your loved one may not feel like eating or refuse to eat. If treatment side effects are impacting your loved one’s ability to eat, please visit the websites below containing recipes tailored to treat side effects. Cook for Your Life ELLICSR Of course you may also consult a registered dietitian and/or the patients care team, if you have more cancer nutrition concerns. No Appetite? Assisting with Cancer Taste Changes Taste changes are common during cancer treatment. Patients experiencing these changes may not feel like eating, which can negatively impact their nutrition. Help your loved one overcome taste changes with these cancer nutrition strategies: Metallic or bitter taste in food - add something sweet such as maple syrup, honey or jelly. You may also try adding fat, such as a nut butter, avocado or regular butter. Pickles or vinegar could help with this too. A taste like cardboard - try adding salt and extra flavor to foods with seasonings and spices. Some examples are onion, garlic, chili powder, basil, oregano, rosemary, tarragon, barbecue sauce, mustard, ketchup, or mint. Lemon juice, citrus, vinegar, or pickles may also help with this as well Food tastes too sweet - try adding six drops of lemon or lime juice. Add small amounts until the sweetness is gone. Very salty taste - try adding ¼ teaspoon of lemon juice. Try plastic utensils instead of metal, especially if your loved one is struggling with foods tasting metallic. Dipping small bites of food into either lemon juice or vinegar can have a “palate cleansing” feel and may improve taste perception. This helps avoid getting tired of the flavor after a few bites. Try marinating food or meats in sweet fruit juices, salad dressings, or sweet-and-sour sauce. Other “palate cleansing” foods are lime juice, orange juice, mangos, lemongrass, parsley, cilantro, mint, ginger, basil, and pickled foods. Use aroma to make foods appealing, avoiding any smells that may cause nausea. In particular, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, coriander, cumin, ginger, and black pepper can add an aromatic flavor. Also include herbs such as oregano, rosemary and thyme. Think texture. Consider trying wafers, crunchy nut butters, carrots, celery, cucumbers, chips, rice crispies, corn flakes, crackers, panko crumbs, nuts, or seeds if you are able to chew and swallow them safely. Remember that patience with your loved one's changing appetite and tastes can be the strongest form of support you can provide. Nutrition Tips for Cancer Survivorship and Beyond If eating large meals is difficult for your loved one, encourage them to snack throughout the day. Aim for 4-6 snacks or small meals per day. Focus on consuming 2-3 protein-rich foods each day such as lean animal meats, fish, eggs, soy or a protein supplement with 20-30 grams of protein per serving. Eat a variety of brightly colored fruits and veggies. Aim to make half of each meal fruits and vegetables. Eat less than 18 oz. (cooked weight) of red meat per week. Limit cold cuts, bacon, sausage, and hot dogs. Avoid excess salt and saturated fats. Cut back on simple carbs. (i.e. desserts, candies, white bread/pastas, french fries, packaged foods, chips) Drink in moderation- if at all- one drink per day for women, two for men. Get enough vitamin D (through diet and/or supplement) Avoid tobacco of any kind. Keep a healthy weight and stay up on exercise. Other Ways to Help a Loved One with Cancer Assist with Chores Allow your loved one to relax as you help take care of chores around the house, such as cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping. This may reduce overall stress and can be helpful for those that get tired after their treatments. Physical activity can still be beneficial, so be sure to do an activity together that they enjoy and is approved by their doctor. Be Patient It can be very difficult to see a loved one go through cancer treatment. Remember to be patient with your loved one. There may be things we want them to do or eat that we know would be good for them, however, meet your loved one with grace and understanding. It is ultimately their decision on what to do, just be there to support and assist them as they go through this challenging time. Additionally, Renown hosts free “Eating Well After Cancer Treatment” nutrition classes for cancer survivors.  Our next cancer nutrition class series starts Thursday, June 3, 2021, and will be hosted virtually. It is open to anyone in the community. For more information or to register please click here.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Clinical Trial
    • Research and Studies

    Ovarian Cancer Survivor Shares Decision to Try Clinical Trial

    While there used to be three basic treatment options for cancer -- surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, or a combination of the three -- there's a fourth option: clinical trials. Here, a Renown patient shares her successful battle with ovarian cancer, aided by a clinical trial. Shari Flamm's battle with ovarian cancer began in 2011. She was experiencing prolonged bleeding, irregular thyroid levels and anemia and was scheduled to undergo a hysterectomy. Before the surgery, her gynecologist ran routine tests to check for cancer as a precautionary measure. All tests were negative for cancer, expect her CA 125 test. A CA 125 test measures the amount of the protein CA 125 (cancer antigen 125) in the blood. In some cases, a CA 125 test may be used to look for early signs of ovarian cancer in women with a very high risk of the disease. In most laboratories, the normal level is 0 to 35 units/ml. Flamm's CA 125 level was 121. As Flamm can attest, early diagnosis played a key role in her battle with ovarian cancer. September is Gynecologic Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month – an important time to learn the signs, symptoms and risk factors of this type of cancer so your doctor can diagnosis the disease as early as possible. Ovarian Cancer: Round One Despite the elevated CA 125 results, her doctor recommended they move forward with the hysterectomy. But when surgery began, doctors discovered a mass. She had stage 4 cancer. The procedure was halted, the mass was biopsied and she was immediately seen by Dr. Peter Lim of the The Center of Hope. Following diagnosis, Flamm underwent surgery with Dr. Lim to remove the cancer, which had spread to part of diaphragm, spleen, colon and other organs. Three months after surgery, Flamm had recovered enough to start six rounds of chemotherapy in her hometown of Carson City. She continued working at a doctor's office during her treatment, and was grateful for Dr. Lim’s ability to co-manage her care so she could stay close to work and family. “To me, chemo was the scariest part because I didn’t like feeling sick,” Flamm says. Thankfully, her body responded well to the treatments and she was back to the things she loved. “I stated working out at the gym, even if it was only for 10 minutes,” she says. She also stayed positive by spending time with her grandchildren, attending a San Jose Sharks hockey game, going for walks and enjoying concerts. Ovarian Cancer: Round Two In November 2014, Flamm had a cancer check-up. That’s when doctors discovered three cancerous tumors. For this round, Flamm choose another treatment option -- clinical trials at Renown Institute for Cancer. Clinical trials are the studies that test whether drugs work, and inform doctors' decisions about how to treat their patients. Flamm participated in a clinical trial that featured oral-targeted therapy stronger than IV chemotherapy. The hope was for the drug to shrink her tumors, however the result was stabilization -- meaning the lumps weren’t growing or spreading. The best part of the clinical trial, Flamm says, was the constant monitoring. Between the CT scans every six weeks, a heart scan every three months and monthly doctor visits, she was confident that if the cancer started growing or spreading, her healthcare team would catch it right away. For Flamm, the benefits of the clinical trial included less hair loss, less fatigue and more time to focus on what’s important in her life -- her family. “I decided I wasn’t going to be that sick grandma on the couch with cancer,” Flamm says. After taking the oral medication for one year, Flamm developed a rash and discontinued treatment due to discomfort. Clinical Trials, Setbacks and Survival In June 2016, two of the three tumors began to grow and had to be surgically removed. Despite the setback, Flamm was determined to maintain a positive outlook. "You have to stay positive because cancer feeds off anger, depression and stress," Flamm says. Flamm was released to go home with clear margins, meaning the tumors were removed and are surrounded by a rim of normal tissue that does not have cancerous cells. Flamm says her outlook on life has changed drastically since her first cancer diagnosis. “Your whole mentality changes when cancer disturbs your life," Flann says. "The things that weren’t important, are now ever so important. I’m a lot calmer now,” Flamm says.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Renown Health
    • Annual Report

    From Cancer Survivor to Caregiver

    Meet Haley Carroll Being a new nurse comes with many challenges and gaining experience is a journey, but Haley Carroll’s first day on the job was far from her first day in a hospital. Haley was diagnosed with lymphoma right before her senior year of high school, and she was declared cancer-free on December 2, 2015. Inspired by the incredible care she received during her cancer treatments and during her time at Renown Children’s Hospital, Haley enrolled in nursing school at the University of Nevada, Reno. She graduated in December 2020, just five years after beating cancer. “I’ve always been interested in nursing,” Haley says. “But once I was diagnosed and began to see everything that my nurses did for me, I knew that that’s what I wanted to do for patients, too.”

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    • Women's Health
    • Cancer Care

    Why Your First Mammogram at 40 is a Vital Health Priority

    A mammogram may not be on the top of your to-do list when you turn 40, but it needs to be. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends a first mammogram at age 40, however you may need one earlier, so talk with your provider about your breast cancer risk. The purpose of a first time or baseline breast screening, is to get an accurate image of your breasts for future comparisons. Amber Snow, Supervisor of Renown Health Imaging, tells us why it’s important to get a baseline mammogram and what to expect during your visit. Mammogram Screenings Save Lives Simply put, a mammogram is a low-dose x-ray image of your breast from two views: top to bottom and side to side. A yearly screening reduces your risk of dying from breast cancer. Mammograms can detect signs of breast cancer even before you can see or feel it. That’s why it’s important to get a first- time mammogram. About 85% of breast cancers happen to those with no family history of it and in the U.S., one in eight women will develop breast cancer. Unfortunately, the two main risk factors for breast cancer: being female and aging. “Your baseline screening is important when you’re young, so that we know when changes occur,” explains Snow. “We compare your current mammogram to all your previous ones to know if anything changes year to year.” If you are under 40, talk to your provider about getting a formal risk assessment to see if a screening is right for you. If you have a family history of breast cancer a mammogram before age 40 or additional testing may be recommended for you. 3D Mammogram Technology Renown Health uses the latest 3D mammogram technology allowing our radiologists to see early changes in your breast tissue. This also reduces the number of false readings compared to traditional mammograms. While breast screening technology has improved, it is not uncommon to get called back after your first mammogram. According to the American Cancer Society, fewer than 10% of women called back for further testing have been found to have cancer. Reasons for being called back for further imaging include: Dense breast tissue, which can make it hard to see tumors A cyst, mass or unusual tissue is seen A possible area of concern needing another, closer look Preparing for Your Mammogram For an accurate image of your breasts do not wear deodorant, powders or lotions, as they can make it difficult to read your breast images. This is what will happen during your breast screening: A gown will be given to you and you will go to a private area to undress from the waist up, putting on the gown. You will then be escorted to the imaging room and a care team member will place one of your breasts between two plates. The plates will flatten to allow the most breast tissue to be seen and you will feel a firm pressure. You will be asked to hold your breath while the image is taken. An adjustment will be made to the plates to get a side view of the breast. The plate adjustments and images will be done on your other breast. Typically, a mammogram appointment is quick – only lasting about 15 minutes. Be Your Breast Friend While breast screenings are important, it’s also key that you know how your breasts normally look and feel. A monthly self-exam to check for lumps is essential, as breast cancers are often found during a routine self-exam. Remember your hormone levels change monthly, with your breast feeling tender and swollen right before your period. It’s best to perform a breast exam the week after your period after the swelling is gone. To avoid breast tenderness, this is also the best time for a mammogram.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Mammogram
    • Screening

    Ladies! Get Screened for Breast Cancer

    Early detection is a significant piece of the breast cancer puzzle. Susan Cox, Renown Health Director of Cancer Operations, discusses what you need to watch for and how the latest technology can help detect potential cancer sooner. When should women start getting breast exams? It depends on risk factors: Average-risk women: Most medical organizations recommend the first mammogram between 40 and 44. Higher-risk women: Dependent on their high risk, which will dictate when they start screening, but generally around the age of 30 and not before 25 years old.

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