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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Spiritual Care

    Meditation: Give Yourself the Gift of Inner Peace

    As we enter the holiday season, many of us are beginning to plan and partake in festivities such as shopping, cooking, baking, holiday parties and family gatherings. While the holidays often bring joy and cheer, the hustle and bustle can also lead to fatigue, stress, anxiety and sometimes depression. To avoid holiday burnout, it’s important to find ways to care for yourself mentally and physically. Galen Gorelangton, Renown's Spiritual Center Volunteer, discusses how yoga and meditation can benefit you. What is yoga and meditation?  Yoga is defined as performing a series of postures and controlled breathing exercises to promote a more flexible body and a calm mind. As you move through poses that require balance and concentration, you're encouraged to focus less on your busy day and more on the moment. Meditation involves focusing or clearing your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques. While there are many different types of meditation and yoga practices, they both share similar benefits including: Reduced stress Lower blood pressure Decreased anxiety and depression Increased energy Better sleep Lower inflammation and pain levels Improved strength, balance and flexibility  Better focus and concentration  And much more!

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    • Patient Story
    • Heart Care
    • Surgery

    Excellence in Heart Care Changes a Patient's Life

    Being diagnosed with a chronic heart condition like atrial fibrillation (A-fib) can shift the course of your entire life. Embracing heart medications and lifestyle changes become your norm, and thanks to advancements in medicine and medical technology, managing the condition can bring you to a new sense of normalcy.  But what if a different option was possible – one that would make medications and activity limits a thing of the past?  This became the reality for Renown Health patient Richard Preyer after receiving a hybrid catheter ablation. Thanks to the vigilant surgical care of Shining Sun, MD, a cardiologist at the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health, and his compassionate team, Richard has a new lease on life.  Minimally Invasive with Maximal Results  An A-fib patient since 2010 who had been living with an unfinished ablation, the 59-year-old Carson City resident turned to the internet to look for alternate solutions. He had heard that the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health was a top-tier location for cardiovascular care. “I changed health insurance plans through Nevada Health Link to ensure I could see a Renown cardiologist,” said Richard.   Choosing a cardiologist was an even easier decision for Richard. Dr. Sun’s introductory Find a Doctor video on Renown’s YouTube channel, where he displayed his expertise and determination, was more than enough for Richard to choose him as his cardiac care leader.  At his first visit, Dr. Sun reviewed Richard’s records, and noted his prior unfinished ablation. The nine-hour procedure had been performed several years ago. With the enhanced technologies at Dr. Sun's disposal, Richard was excited at the thought of his life potentially being changed for good – with a minimally-invasive solution.  Dr. Sun collaborated closely with Richard’s previous and current care teams – including a surgeon who performed a maze operation on him right before his surgery at Renown, to ensure his hybrid ablation was tailored uniquely to him. “Dr. Sun is clearly a very powerful cardiologist with many connections, and the coordination between his team and my other doctors was great,” said Richard.   After working on the exterior of the heart in the first phase of the surgery and the interior of the heart during the second phase, Richard’s hybrid ablation was successful, completing the unfinished portion of his previous ablation.   “Fixing A-fib can take one to three ablations, and sometimes it never holds,” said Richard. “That is one of the largest reasons why I am so thankful for this procedure and how it ended up.”  Life After A-fib  Now comes the long, arduous healing process, right? Not for Richard. With only eight incisions (four on each side of his chest), he was able to remove his bandages after two days, and he healed completely in one week.  “I was even back to taking three-mile walks within a week of my operation,” said Richard.  No more blood thinners.  No more activity limits. And most importantly for Richard, no more heart-stabilizing medications that came with side effects he didn’t enjoy. He attributes his enhanced life to Dr. Sun and his team.   “I highly recommend Dr. Sun and everyone that works with him,” he said. “Everyone in the group, from the nurses and anesthesiologists going above-and-beyond to the schedulers who helped me navigate the appointment process, made me have a lot of confidence. Their calm demeanors made so much difference.”  Today, Richard now enjoys elongated walks in the northern Nevada outdoors, exotic vacations with his wife and, as he describes, “feeling like I’m in my 40’s again.” Learn more about the region's leader in cardiac health, heart and vascular care here.

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    • Heart Care

    Hiking Through Life After TAVR

    Renown Health patient, Alden Nash, hiking Death Valley National Park just three months after a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Alden Nash isn’t your average 80-year-old. For much of his life, he could be found outdoors enjoying nature and hiking some of the west coast’s highest elevations. A husband and father of two, Alden turned his passion into a career as a Yellowstone park ranger in 1965. Alden believes his passion for the outdoors is responsible for his many years of health – until the unavoidable happened. The Hardest Climb The number one doctor recommendation for a healthy heart – lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Any cardiologist would be thrilled to have Alden as a patient due to his robust physical activity regimen. “Don’t have a TV set or a lounge chair in your house and you’re all set,” said Alden when asked how he has remained so fit throughout his senior years. Unfortunately, many other factors come into play when it comes to heart health, one of which is the reason we are telling Alden’s story today. Familial history - it’s a hot topic in the world of medicine. Understanding your genetic risk factors can help care providers develop updated care plans based on your results. Alden’s family has a long history of high cholesterol, which he avoided for much of his life by staying active. This combined with his age resulted in his first heart attack in December 2021. Doctors later determined that Alden was suffering from a type of heart valve disease known as aortic valve stenosis. Aortic stenosis is the narrowing of your aortic valve opening that impedes normal blood flow. Over time, the leaflets of your aortic valve become stiff, reducing their ability to fully open and close. When the leaflets don’t fully open, your heart must work harder to push blood through the aortic valve of your body. Eventually, your heart gets weaker, increasing the risk of heart failure. People who are most at risk for aortic stenosis include those who have had certain heart conditions present at birth, have chronic kidney disease or have heart disease risk factors such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. However, generally, aortic stenosis is a degenerative process of aging with no modifiable risk factors. The incidence of aortic stenosis increases rapidly with age and is very common above the age of 80 – with 1/10 having the condition and 1/50 with a problem severe enough to warrant surgery. When symptoms are present, the disease can be rapidly disabling or even deadly, often progressing over several months unless treated.

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    • Pet
    • Community Partnerships

    Meet Raven: A Renown Therapy Dog

    If you’ve ever spent time at Renown, you may have noticed there are some four-legged volunteers roaming the halls greeting patients, visitors, and staff. Since 1997, Renown has been fortunate enough to have its very own therapy dog program. As of today, there are 43 dogs in the program, and each of them have gone through countless hours of training to offer healing, comfort and support to those seeking treatment within our health system. Each of these therapy dogs have their own special personalities, but they all share the same mission: to make a paws-itive impact on everyone they meet.  One therapy dog that has touched many lives at Renown is Raven, a five-year old Belgian Malinois mix. Raven's Story In March of 2019, Reno residents Richard and Vickie Lange rescued Raven from an animal shelter in Portola, California. When the Langes made Raven part of their family, they immediately started her in obedience training. After seeing her do so well, they thought of an idea that would not only help Raven reach her full potential but also allow them to give back to others – they decided to train Raven to be a therapy dog.

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    • Primary Care
    • Urgent Care

    Primary Care vs. Urgent Care vs. The ER

    When seeking medical care, there are several different provider types and options from which to choose. For example, you may have asked yourself a common question: Should I go to my primary care provider, urgent care or the emergency room? Sarah Herbert, APRN with Renown Medical Group – South Carson, provides guidelines to help you easily make this decision. When should you go to the Emergency Room (ER)?  Making a visit to the ER should be reserved for severe symptoms and/or life-threatening conditions, including:  Chest pain Severe shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Weakness or numbness on one side Slurred speech Fainting/loss of consciousness Continuous bleeding or major open wounds Severe allergic reactions  Coughing or throwing up blood Drug or alcohol overdose Sharp pain in lower abdomen Severe dehydration and not responding to nausea medication (needing IV fluids) High fever that does not get better with medicine Serious burns Broken bones/dislocated joints Head trauma Find an Emergency Department Near You If you’re still unsure of where to go for appropriate medical care, it’s best to check with your primary care physician. And remember, for a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately!

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living

    Sterling Silver Shining Brightly Tami

    Shining Brightly We all carry a light inside of us. Some people seem to have a constant glow while others flicker brightly here or there depending on what they’re doing or who they’re with. But for another select group, the light they embody is closer to a sunrise, illuminating and embracing everything and everyone it touches. Do you think that’s a bit heavy-handed or just a writer’s poetic exaggeration? Well, that’s because you haven’t met this issue’s featured Sterling Silver Club member, Tami, yet. But that’s about to change…  This Little Light of Mine  As an infant, Tami’s adoptive parents were drawn to her light, even though the couple had come to an orphanage in Washington state hoping to find an older child to add to their family.  “My parents always said that after seeing and holding me, they had to take me home,” Tami remembers and then smiles. “They also liked to tell the story of how they sold their prize baby bull, Johnny Apollo, to pay my adoption fees!”  Tami has fond memories of making mud pies and climbing trees as a child and feels privileged to have been raised by older parents.  “They both lived through the Great Depression and my dad proudly served in the U.S. Navy in World War ll,” says Tami. “I certainly attribute learning to love and give unconditionally through their humble ways. I had the honor of taking care of them both for about 10 years before their passing. When asked who my heroes are, though I have several, they are at the top of that list for sure.”  Today, Tami is married to her high school sweetheart, Richard. They’ve been together for 43 years and have five children – and 10 grandchildren – of their own.  Helping Others Through Darkness Tami started a highway construction business with her family in 2000, but focused 18 years of her career around her love of teaching, with seven years spent as Vice Principal of Academics at Reno Christian Academy. One of her greatest joys during that time was implementing Prime Time, a program that set aside special time for students who had experienced recent traumatic events. “I used puppets, sewing, crafts – any activity the students would respond to,” explains Tami. “But mostly, I listened.” And when one of her students shared, “I just want someone to listen to me for an hour today” – that’s what she did. “We sat on the sidewalk and ate Fudgsicles and giggled at the silliest things,” Tami recalls with some emotion. “And when we both left smiling, I was reminded that the most beautiful moments are when we are simply present with an open heart.”

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Kid's Health
    • Safe Kids
    • Smoking

    How to Talk to Your Children About Vaping

    According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), e-cigarette use isn’t just up among adults, but it has also tripled in usage for teens. Dr. Jose Cucalon Calderon, a Pediatrics Physician at Renown Health and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, provides helpful insight into e-cigarettes and the dangers it poses to kids and teens.   What Are E-Cigarettes? E-cigarettes are electronic nicotine delivery devices. e-cigarettes use liquid nicotine as an alternative to traditional smoked cigarettes. e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is an addictive substance with known toxic side effects that, when released in very high doses, that can have health consequences and causes addiction. Nicotine is described as “toxic,” but the most "toxic" part of e-cigarettes' is everything else within the E-juice. Nicotine mainly keeps people coming back for more. According to the CDC, e-cigarettes are also advertised using the same themes and tactics that have been shown to increase youth use of other tobacco products, including cigarettes. In 2021, approximately 76% of students reported exposure to tobacco product marketing through traditional sources, and approximately 74% of students who used social media had seen e-cigarette–related content. What Does This Mean for the Health My Teen? We know that nicotine can affect brain development in kids and teens, so it is important to educate your teen on the risks of exposure. If you have young children in the home, it is important to be vigilant as well. One teaspoonful of liquid nicotine can be fatal for a young child. How Do I Monitor My Teen for E-Cigarette Use? Monitoring your children can be tricky for parents. E-cigarettes can be harder to detect, unlike traditional cigarettes that were easy to detect by smell and residual odor. E-cigarette use, or “vaping,” is often associated with a dry cough or chronic throat/mouth irritation. Overall, increasing research shows strong links between mental health conditions and posterior combustible tobacco use along with increased risk of marijuana use. Nicotine is addictive, but it does not cause altered mental status like the other drugs of abuse can. All parents are strongly encouraged to talk to their children about the potential dangers of e-cigarettes.   What are the health risks of vaping? Vaping devices have been on the market for a relatively short period of time, with evidence-based health effects and complications still being discovered. Vaping effects poses many harmful risks to children and teens. The risks of vaping include: Chest pain Difficulty breathing Dizziness Headaches Impaired response to infection in the airway Inflammatory problems of the airway Nausea Nicotine addiction Seizures Vomiting   For more information for both parents and teens about quitting smoking or vaping, you can click here. Parents can also use this tip sheet from the U.S. Surgeon General to talk to their child about vaping. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration free national helpline number is 1-800-662-4357 (HELP). It is available 24/7, 365 days a year offering confidential treatment referral and information (in English and Spanish). If you or someone you know is facing a substance (or mental health) problem, please reach out to them.

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    • Patient Story
    • Community Partnerships
    • Fight the Good Fight

    Rooted with Renown, One Families Story of Remarkable Odds

    Renown Health is proud to debut our newest commercial spot, Days, on Thanksgiving Day 2022. This commercial features members of the greater northern Nevada community, former Renown patients and employees. Chris and Ann Cook are some of these community members, and we are grateful we get to tell their story. Family is everything for Chris and Ann Cook. Their loved ones span across the United States and even farther to Germany, so time spent with their children and grandchildren means the world to them. When Chris went to the emergency room for a persistent headache and drooping eye over twenty years ago, they could have never predicted the number of hours their family would spend at Renown care facilities in the coming years. “Whenever we step inside a building with that purple logo, we know right away we will be supported by friends, family and Renown staff. Our family has turned countless hours inside hospital walls into memories of gratitude for the care we receive.” Chris Cook said. “It is these memories that make us appreciate the health of our family today.”   A Relationship with Renown that Spans Decades The Cooks can remember a time before Renown Regional Medical Center’s inception when Washoe Medical Center (Washoe Med) stood in its place. It was at Washoe Med that Chris received emergency brain surgery after a visit to the emergency room over 20 years ago. Immediately following a CT scan, Chris was transported to Washoe Med, now Renown Health, for emergency brain surgery and eventually to treat a hematoma. Doctors close to his case were amazed by his survival, considering Chris’ divergent situation resulting from a raisin-size colloid cyst and dissected corotated artery. He spent three weeks in the ICU recovering at the hospital, his spirits lifted by the amazing staff who brightened his day with gestures of kindness. From there, he was supported by countless friends and family members over the next three months while recovering at home. A Home Away from Home Later, the Cooks’ daughter received cancer care at Renown at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. Ann, Chris and their daughter found small comforts when running into the familiar faces of their daughters' past schoolmates, who are now Renown employees, in the hallways. The family became well-acquainted with the food options at Renown Regional’s Sierra Café, even finding favorites like the sushi bar. Reliable Care, Close to Home  The Cooks have also experienced many happy and comforting memories at Renown and Washoe Med over the past twenty years, including the births of three of their seven grandchildren. And when Chris needed an emergency appendectomy on a Friday night four years ago, they felt confident that the best care would be received at Renown Regional Medical Center.    From lab work to routine procedures or visits to urgent care, the Cooks feel rest-assured knowing Renown will be the place they can consistently trust for care with many locations close to their home in Sparks, Nevada.  After spending many hours within Renown walls, Chris and Ann remarked how impressed they were by Renown Regional Medical Center’s growth in the past decade from their first encounter over twenty years ago. With a deep appreciation for the care received at Renown facilities and the technology used to help treat patients, Chris and Ann said, “We really feel confident that if something bad were to happen, you’d want to be in the care of Renown.”  Family, Health and The Future "Our care at Renown has changed the course of our family’s lives and led to the success of who we are today. So, when the team at Renown approached us about participating in the commercial shoot, we knew this was meant to be the next piece in our Renown story." Chris and Ann said. "Of course, it was nice to be back at Renown, not as a patient this time, but to help the team create something great."

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Renown Health Foundation

    Thank You, Emmalee Sutton!

    Every year, 170 Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH) across the country name a champion in each of their local communities who will serve as the face for children treated at their community’s children's hospital. Emmalee Sutton, 16, served as Renown Children’s Hospital Champion Child for the past two years, raising awareness for children’s healthcare in northern Nevada and across the nation. A Fighter from the Start Emmalee was diagnosed at age two with autoimmune hepatitis and Addison’s disease, which means her body underproduces critical hormones. It also means that, from an early age, Emmalee spent a lot of her time within the walls of Renown Children’s Hospital. She has endured a long road of illnesses and hospitalizations since, including her gallbladder being removed at age eight, port surgery at 13 and she has received several liver biopsies over the years. However, this disease does not define who Emmalee is; in fact it empowers her to be a fighter for herself and for other kids just like her who are battling disease and illness from a young age. Despite these challenges, Emmalee is a source of hope and inspiration to everyone she meets, never allowing her medical conditions to hold her back. Emmalee knows her story will inspire other young patients to continue fighting and believing in themselves. “Instead of complaining about all the things I can’t do, I celebrate all the things I can do,” Emmalee said. A Voice for Kids and Families Like Hers In her time as our Champion Child, and even well before the official title, Emmalee was a spokesperson for all the children in our community who need care. Since moving into the role of Champion Child in 2021, Emmalee has accomplished an impressive amount over the past two years. To name a few, here are some accomplishments Emmalee has achieved as Renown's Champion Child: Touring donors around Renown Children’s Hospital Promoting Renown’s Panda Cares Center for Hope Helping at Costco each year during their Miracle Balloon Campaign Making blizzards at Dairy Queen on Miracle Treat Day Standing on stage with The Beach Boys to share her experiences in the hospital and talk about the need for outstanding critical care close to home Attending Reno Health Foundation events announcing donations to Renown Children’s Hospital Working alongside NFL legend Steve Young, championing the importance of music therapy for kids staying in the hospital with the announcement of Sophie’s Place Being featured in a television show pilot with the National Automobile Museum In September 2021, Emmalee was awarded the Reno PBS Spotlight Award for Extraordinary Youth. She was highlighted as an individual who makes a positive impact on her community. For her efforts, Emmalee was honored with a $1,000 award, which she generously donated to Renown Children's Hospital. Emmalee’s commitment to Renown inspires us to continue Fighting the Good Fight for our youngest patients, so we can continue to provide the best care for kids like her. Dream it, Wish it, Do it While Emmalee’s tenure as Champion Child ends this month, her passion for helping members of our community is just getting started. Inspired by her drive to work with young girls, Emmalee is taking a counselor-in-training course with the Girl Scouts. She is excited to shape the future of these girls' lives by being a mentor and leader. She has been a Girl Scout for nine years and gives credit to the organization for making a positive impact on her life and contributing to many of the leadership qualities she possesses today. “The Girl Scouts has helped me understand that I am a strong, independent, compassionate young lady, and I use those thoughts whenever I am having all the health issues I have had to endure,” Emmalee said. What else is next for Emmalee? She hopes that being a Girl Scout and training to be a counselor will help her achieve her long-term goal of becoming a pediatric nurse. “I can’t thank the nurses and doctors at Renown enough for the love and care they have given me and continue to do so. They are my inspiration!” she said. But for us, Emmalee is the inspiration. From all of us at Renown, thank you, Emmalee. You motivate us to be our best. How You Can Help Make a Difference Renown Health is focused on being the destination for all your family’s health and healthcare needs. As a not-for-profit health system, Renown relies heavily on community funding. If you are interested in supporting Renown Children’s Hospital, and kids like Emmalee, please consider giving to Renown Health Foundation. Donations are accepted through the following ways: Make a gift at Call Renown Health Foundation at 775-982-5545 Mail a check to Renown Health Foundation, 1155 Mill St., 02, Reno, NV 89502

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    • Kid's Health
    • Food and Nutrition

    Motivating Kids to Eat Healthy Foods

    For most parents, convincing kids to eat fruits and veggies can be challenging, but they need good nutrition. We've provided six helpful tips to encourage healthy eating. 1. Make a Schedule Create a meal schedule and stick to it as much as possible. If you’re on the go, take a cooler stocked with healthy options to avoid stopping for fast food. However, many fast food restaurants offer healthy options like grilled chicken, chili, baked potatoes and protein-packed salads. 2. Kids + Kitchen = Fun! Children may be more inclined to eat what they’ve helped prepare. Bonus: it’s quality family time you can enjoy together while being productive. Find some healthy and fun recipes you can tackle as a team. 3. Dip It Introduce veggies by offering ranch dressing or hummus with fresh carrots, snap peas or broccoli. Experiment with various vegetables and dips to see what piques your child’s interests. Make it fun by cutting up veggies to resemble animals or exciting shapes. 4. Limit Unhealthy Food Buy smaller packages instead of economy bulk-sized options. Offer sweet treats but provide some nutrition — apple slices in light caramel sauce, bananas with peanut butter or strawberries in dark chocolate. 5. Provide Smaller Portions Scale portions appropriately for the child’s age and needs. For example, a preschooler generally would not require the same intake as their teen sibling. Ask your pediatrician about your child’s individual nutritional requirements. When they can handle utensils safely, allow them to serve themselves. This will help them feel like a “grown-up” and help them understand portion sizes. Encourage children to take one serving at a time and return for seconds only if they are still hungry. 6. Allow Treats Some say denying occasional treats will only make kids want them more. However, it’s OK to allow for an occasional treat as part of the big picture. You can also model good eating habits for your children. And remember: Just because you don’t like a particular food doesn’t mean they won’t. So expose your children to healthy foods — even if they’re not your favorites. Check out the recipe section of our blog for delicious recipes your family will love!

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    • Employees
    • Careers
    • Renown Health

    Department Spotlight: Emergency

    The emergency department is a central part of Renown Health’s hospitals. Serving patients in need of emergent attention, this team has an incredible level of dedication to not only tending to emergencies big and small, but also saving lives 24 hours a day and seven days a week. This critical work happens daily at Renown Regional, Renown South Meadows and Renown Children’s Hospital. Patients in Renown’s emergency rooms (ER) are in the best hands, and it is all thanks to the devoted, hard-working teams who run the show. Saving Lives Around the Clock  As the only Level 2 trauma center between Sacramento and Salt Lake City, taking care of a constant stream of patients in the Renown Regional, Renown South Meadows and Renown Children’s ERs come naturally for these teams. Whether it be 3 a.m. or the lunch hour, this team is always ready to spring into action to attend to virtually any health emergency under the sun. According to Gabby, an RN in the Renown Regional ER, everyone in the ER must be ready for anything. “We are the first line of care that the patient receives before they are admitted or discharged,” which means the team sees a wide variety of emergency situations each day.  Patients rely on the ER to protect them and help them heal from severe conditions. From head injuries and broken bones to heart attacks and strokes, this team has seen it all at every time of the day and night. “The ER is an uncontrolled, unpredictable environment,” said Miriam, an RN in the Renown Regional ER. “It’s essential that we all are ready to jump in and help at any time.”  Beyond the general ER at Renown Regional, Renown Children’s Hospital is the only accredited Children’s Hospital Emergency Room in all northern Nevada. The first and only facility of its kind in the Reno-Tahoe region, this robust emergency department is equipped with pediatric specialists and child-sized equipment to give children the highest level of support. “We are proud to keep a fun atmosphere with vibrant colors to help our young patients ease their anxieties, making them as comfortable as possible while providing excellent care,” said Ginger, Manager of Nursing for Renown Children’s ER.  While the majority of patients are treated onsite and discharged that same day, several ER patients get admitted to the hospital, when that happens, the emergency department works quickly with the Renown Transfer and Operations Center (RTOC) to get patients in a bed as soon as possible.   All day and all night, ambulances and helicopters deliver members of our community in need of care. But never fear – our incredibly capable emergency department is here. Kicking off into immediate action is a core requirement for the emergency department, and it is a task the entire team has nailed down to a science.   Team Tenacious  When asked about their team, members of the emergency department echoed the same notion: “I am not alone.” The emergency department never leaves their colleagues out to dry, and in an emergency environment, always being able to lend a hand whenever needed is vital. For Ashley, an RN at Renown Regional, one of the main reasons why she continues to work at Renown is because of her colleagues, along with a myriad of resources and state-of-the-art technology that are at their disposal. She adds, “It is such a joy to come in to work alongside my team.”  Amy, Supervisor of Nursing for the Renown South Meadows ER, feels the exact same way. “Being an emergency department, we sometimes see things you don’t always see every day,” said Amy. “It’s a relief for our patients to know that they are in the best place in the region for their care. I credit all of that to my team.”  As our emergency room capabilities continue to grow, this also includes our Children’s Hospital ER. Last year, the William N. Pennington Foundation provided a $7.5 million gift to the Renown Health Foundation to keep pediatric care – including pediatric emergency care – closer to home and expand our availability to our youngest patients. As reported last year, Dr. Joseph Gassen, a pediatric emergency doctor with Children’s Hospital, was the only pediatric emergency physician in the region as of 2021. Thanks to this gift, he was able to move to Reno to provide care in the Children’s Hospital ER.  “The hospital is dedicated to improving the care of children in northern Nevada, and I wanted to be a part of this amazing vision," said Dr. Gassen. “I would not have been able to relocate to Reno without the support from the hospital and the William N. Pennington gift.”  Besides achieving optimal outcomes for their patients, their efforts also paid off in the form of awards and recognition. Internally, the emergency department recognizes Employees of the Month for their outstanding work. Recently, Renown Regional Emergency Physician Dr. Patrick Russell and Claire, an RN, were recognized with this honor. Outside organizations have also noticed these exceptional team members. The Reno Gazette Journal’s recognized the Renown Regional ER as the Best Emergency Room in the 2022 Best of Reno Awards, complimenting Renown Regional’s wins as the Best Hospital and Best Place to Have a Baby.   The tenacity of the emergency department continues to surpass expectations, and their published achievements only scratch the surface of what is sure to come.  A Growing Team of Heroes  To continue meeting the growing need for emergency care regionally, especially when it comes to trauma and children’s services, the emergency department is looking forward to welcoming new team members. For those looking for a fast-paced, team-oriented atmosphere and the opportunity to be on the healthcare frontlines, the emergency department is a perfect fit.   As teamwork is clearly essential, the emergency department is an ideal environment for someone who is “not afraid to ask questions and always eager to learn new things,” according to Miriam. While one staff member’s patients may be settled, staff one assignment over could be overwhelmed with patient volume, so it is an imperative skill for a colleague to be a self-starter and take the initiative to help wherever needed.  Bryan, an emergency trauma technician at Renown Regional, emphasizes this point, adding, “A good colleague is one that knows you well and can infer your body language. They know how to read a situation and pre-plan for the next step. Being attentive, a valuable resource and knowledgeable about patient populations – that's the works!”  Career growth and lifelong learning are important to this group, so career-minded individuals will be in good company in the emergency department. “I choose Renown so I can jumpstart my career as a nurse in the top ER in the region,” said Gabby. This team is always learning and always on top of the latest research – which only further solidifies Renown’s place as the preeminent ER in northern Nevada and northeastern California.  If you take one thing from this article, let it be these parting words from Amy: “These are some of the smartest, most devoted individuals you will ever meet, and we are so lucky to have them serving our emergency department. You will only regret not working with this team.”

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    • Primary Care
    • Men's Health

    7 Important Vasectomy Questions for Your Doctor

    If you and your partner are looking for a more permanent birth control method, you might consider a vasectomy. Although vasectomies are common, knowledge about them isn’t quite as common or talked about. If you are considering a vasectomy, talking with your primary care doctor is a great way to learn more and start the process. We consulted with Dr. Aurosis Reddy a primary care doctor with Renown Health – South Carson, about key topics to discuss with your doctor when considering a vasectomy. What is a vasectomy? A vasectomy – also called male sterilization – is a form of male birth control that blocks sperm from reaching semen, according to the American Urological Association (AUA). How effective and safe are vasectomies? Vasectomies are one of the most effective methods of birth control with a long-term success rate of over 99%. A vasectomy has been a safe and successful birth control method for many years. More than 500,000 men elect to have vasectomies every year in the U.S., and the number is rising. A vasectomy is also generally a low-risk procedure with a low complication rate ranging between 1-2%. What does the recovery period look like? A vasectomy is typically a quick procedure that takes under thirty minutes and can be performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. Recovery from a vasectomy is also considered relatively easy. After a vasectomy, most can: Resume everyday activities within two to three days Resume normal exercise in one week Start engaging in sexual activity again in one week Your doctor can provide more details on what your individualized recovery process will look like.

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